Chapter Fifty-Five

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Draco was... somewhat displeased that Hermione walked down to the Great Hall without him that morning. Their shared night had left her conflicted and struggling to manage the confusing emotions that had arisen.

She tried desperately to pay attention to Theo as they left the eighth year common room, but she couldn't stop thinking about what Draco had told her. Whilst his perspective of her capture at the Manor had been absolutely devastating, Hermione was surprised at how difficult she found it to consolidate this with her own experience.

There was a huge part of her that wished she could simply dismiss everything she had felt for the last year and throw herself into Draco's arms, revel in their warmth, but at the moment that wasn't possible: too much had happened, she needed more time.

Hermione and Theo found their way to the new table for breakfast. Despite the uncomfortable altercation between her and Draco the night previously, Blaise's plan to get drunk and play a game had actually done its job. Everyone was sat next to someone of a different House and interacting amicably.

Hermione was comfortable with almost all of her new peers, bar one. She'd had little to do with Pansy so far, but each glance in the (former) Slytherins direction took her back to their last moment together in the Great Hall: "But he's there! Potter's there! Someone grab him!"

Pansy had initially looked as though she might sit next to Hermione, grinning wickedly in her direction, but Ernie quickly took the place she coveted. There was something bizarre about people wanting to sit next to her. Harry and Ron had always been there, but no one else had chosen her. She ignored the small voice that told her otherwise.

Professor McGonagall walked over to the eighth years, surprised at how well they appeared to be getting along, and handed out their new timetables. There were certain classes which would include only these students, but they would mostly be mixed with the year below.

Hermione was in the process of memorising her week when the familiar flapping of wings filled the Hall. Feathery blurs swept across the pale blue enchanted ceiling, as soft hoots resonated around the walls.

A small barn owl landed gracefully bedside Hermione's plate and dropped an envelope for her. Immediately recognising the neat handwriting, she clutched the paper tightly in one hand whilst giving the owl a piece of bacon with the other.

Quietly packing up her things, she stood and quickly left the Great Hall before anyone could ask where she was going. After so many years in the school, many of which involving disappearing with Draco, she knew the best spots for someone looking to remain hidden.

Seating herself in such an alcove opposite the room of her first class, Hermione carefully opened the envelope and read the short note.


Dear Miss Granger,

My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Unfortunately, I have limited new information to share.

As you are aware, I met with your parents last month to assess their situation. We have begun a cordial friendship and I hope to commence Stage 1 of the memory retrieval process in the coming weeks.

I will write again as soon as I have additional news.

Yours faithfully,

Patrick Jennings


Hermione's eyes burned but she refused to cry. Although it wasn't the news she hoped for, it also wasn't entirely unexpected. She had known when she Obliviated her parents that it would be challenging, perhaps impossible, to reverse the process and so she had to accept the consequences.

It was Harry who introduced her to Patrick through his connections in the Ministry. Whilst he had never attempted such a complex procedure, he was enthusiastic and she supposed that would have to do. Those who specialised in memory reversal and had years of experience cost significantly more money than she would ever be able to afford.

Footsteps suddenly echoed down the corridor and Hermione got swiftly to her feet, hoping no one noticed the slight flush to her cheeks.

She was pleased that it was Ginny she saw racing towards her. Charms was one of their shared subjects, and Hermione felt a sense of calm overcome her that only happened when she was in the company a few certain individuals.

"How was your first night back?" Ginny asked.

"Oh yes, fine," Hermione replied quickly. "How was yours?"

Ginny looked at her suspiciously. "I'm having flashbacks to the Yule Ball. When you wouldn't tell me who you really wanted to go with."

Hermione wasn't entirely sure why she still hadn't confided in Ginny about her relationship with Draco. At first it was because of Ron: she didn't want to put her friend in the position of having to lie to her own brother, and then it had just started to feel too awkward. Now though, she found herself craving the brutally honest opinions that only Ginny could provide.

"Shall we catch up later?" Hermione suggested.

Ginny beamed. "Meet in the Entrance Hall after dinner? We could go to the Three Broomsticks?"

Whilst the eighth years were permitted to visit Hogsmeade at any time, this wasn't the case for the other students. Hermione almost admonished Ginny's idea before deciding to keep her mouth shut and nodding instead. She could do with a drink.

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