Chapter Sixty-Five

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"There you are," Professor McGonagall said sharply, handing out small piles of black material. "Come on, quickly now."

Waving goodbye to her parents, Harry, and Ron, Hermione apologised to the Headmistress and grasped Draco's hand to pull him in line with the other seventh and eighth years waiting to graduate.

The rest of the school were already seated for their arrival and many stared open-mouthed as they entered the Great Hall, whispers reverberating off the walls.

Draco shot a scowl in Hermione's direction. "I told you we would look ridiculous," he muttered.

She laughed quietly at his petulant look, too pleased with her achievement to pay him much attention.

It had taken a significant amount of convincing, but Hermione had managed to persuade her peers to don Muggle graduation caps. They had already made great progress in their encouragement of inter-House unity, and she hoped the school would continue promoting an acceptance of difference - particularly if it helped Muggle-born witches and wizards feel more comfortable entering the magical world.

The ceremony was set up in such a way that it ran in almost direct juxtaposition to their arrival in the Great Hall eight years ago. This time, rather than being filled with trepidation as they awkwardly shuffled into the impressive space, they instead walked confidently towards the Headmistress, ready to leave the castle and begin their lives outside of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall summoned each graduate one by one to the front of the Hall and, although she no longer needed to use her long roll of parchment, persisted in calling them surname first: a small reminder of their experience with the Sorting Hat.

Eventually she read out, "Granger, Hermione."

Heart pounding with anticipation, Hermione glanced over her shoulder to find her parents in the front row before slowly making her way forward.

Professor McGonagall held out a hand for her to shake but, forgetting herself in a sudden swell of emotion, Hermione ignored it and wrapped her arms around the older witch's neck. She realised her mistake when McGonagall gave her a gentle pat on the back, and she stepped away in a haze of embarrassment.

"Hermione," the Headmistress smiled, eyes shining slightly. "It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the last eight years, and a privilege to see you grow in confidence both personally and academically." Hermione felt her own eyes begin to burn. "You will be sorely missed, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you achieve in the future."

"Thank you, Professor," she choked. "I can't begin to tell you how much that means coming from you. I'll never forget everything you've done for us all over the years."

"Don't be a stranger, please do visit us whenever you like."

Hermione dipped her head and walked quickly away, hoping to avoid the onslaught of tears that were threatening to overwhelm her. She came to standstill at the front of the Great Hall, surrounded by peers whose names had already been called.

When it was Draco's turn, Professor McGonagall handed him a small white envelope and murmured something with a kind look on her face. Walking away, he grinned and flashed Hermione a glimpse of the red wax seal emblazoned with an 'M'.

"Draco," she breathed as he reached her. "Is that – is that what I think it is?"

He nodded, eyes bright. "There are no concerns regarding my probation period, I've passed with flying colours." Hermione struggled to quell the excitement bubbling inside her. "It's all over, Granger, and they're considering reducing the term of my mother's house arrest."

"I'm so, so happy for you," she beamed, trying to keep her voice low.

Draco pulled her close and they refocused back on the Headmistress as she continued working her way through the students. It didn't take long before Pansy, Ginny, and Blaise came to join them.

Professor McGonagall's voice resonated suddenly around the Hall, "And now, as we say goodbye to our class of 1999, we remember that every end has a new beginning. Good luck to you all."

The sound of raucous applause and stamping feet filled the room in response, and the Headmistress gestured for the seventh and eighth years to begin exiting the castle.

Hermione gripped Draco's hand as they headed towards the doors, linking arms with Ginny on her other side. Neville and the others followed closely behind. Whilst their friends and family were going to walk into Hogsmeade, ready to Apparate onwards, the graduates would meet them there following a boat ride across the Black Lake.

There was little conversation held as the group walked, each lost to their own ruminations. Only the quiet crunch of footsteps upon grass filled the silence.

As they approached the lake, Hermione eyed the small wooden vessels, each bobbing quietly, and another wave of nostalgia washed over her like the water lapping at the shore. She readied herself to complete the circle and make the return journey to that of her eleven-year old self.

Stepping carefully over the threshold, Hermione and Draco sat facing backwards, committing the sharp outline of Hogwarts to memory as the boat drew them away. She smiled to herself as she reflected on some of her experiences within those castle walls, still not quite believing that it was the end of her time there.

She noticed a few members of staff walk down the stone steps and stand before the great oak doors, watching their students float gradually away. Despite the fading light, she could just make out Hagrid's wayward beard and Professor McGonagall's pointed hat. The latter raised her wand and shot a burst of silver light into the darkening sky, Hermione gasped as it transformed into a spectacular firework display.

Resting her head on Draco's shoulder, she waited until the last spark flickered out and finally felt ready to say goodbye.

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