Chapter Thirty-Six

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She was blindfolded as Draco led her into the Room of Requirement on Valentine's Day morning. "Where are we going?" Hermione grumbled.

"Stop your whining," he laughed.

The room no longer looked like a room. Instead, it was transformed into a roof terrace covered in greenery; a small table for two sat below a rose-covered trellis. Lacing their fingers together, Draco pulled Hermione towards the edge of the balcony, and they gazed out over the Eiffel Tower in front of them.

"Draco," she gasped. "This is amazing, how did you manage this?"

He looked incredibly pleased with himself. "Like you said, ask the room for what you require!"

Smiling, she pushed herself closer to him and he placed a protective arm around her waist.

A small brunch of fruit, pastries, and fresh juice had been prepared for them as they sat down opposite each other. Hermione silently thanked Merlin for the wizarding world.

They talked about everything and nothing and it was the first time she had noticed herself thinking about the future, time beyond the confines of Hogwarts, and what it could hold for them.

Eventually, Draco began shifting awkwardly in his seat. "So, I've got good news and bad news," he told her. "Which would you like to hear first?"


Sighing, he nodded, "Umbridge has recruited a number of Slytherins, including me, to join the Inquisitorial Squad."

"The – the, what?"

"It's a group of us, hand-picked by Umbridge, to support her within the school."

"Merlin, Draco," she gasped. "What has she got you doing?"

"Nothing," he said, and then amended. "Nothing, yet. We're just meant to keep an eye on everyone. To spy, basically. And we have too many powers, Granger, we can dock house points, administer punishments."

"This is not good. Why did you join?"

Draco's grey eyes widened in surprise. "You know I didn't have any choice; imagine how it would have looked if I declined the invitation?"

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just wish you didn't have to. Godric, I hate that woman."

She glanced sadly at the new badge on his chest, a small silver 'I'. He looked at it with her, tightening his hold on her hand. "I've charmed it again, to me it still says S.P.E.W."

A glimmer of a smile crossed her face as she changed the subject. "So, what about the good news?"

Draco's face flushed, a sight she would never stop enjoying. "Hmm?" he said nonchalantly, thrusting a croissant into his mouth and shifting awkwardly in his chair.

She gave him a kick under the table. "You said you had good news and bad news."

"Oh yes, that," he sat quietly for a moment, looking into her eyes. "I – I, er, I wanted to say that... well, I love you."

Her own face burned as she stood slowly, and moved around the table to sit on his lap. "I love you too, Draco."

It had been challenging to tear herself away from him. She could see them spending the rest of their lives in this quiet corner of Paris. Eventually, however, she found herself in the Three Broomsticks with Harry and Rita Skeeter.

It hadn't been particularly difficult to persuade the journalist to write the article, not that she had much choice. When Hermione, Harry, and Ron entered the Great Hall for breakfast a few days later, it was at exactly the same moment as the post owls.

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