Chapter Seven

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As the days and weeks crept forward, Hermione spent a good majority of time with Harry and Ron. They had recently told her about the midnight duel Draco had challenged them to which lead to their accidental discovery of a three headed dog. So soon after their 'adventure' with the troll, Hermione was grateful she had not been involved in that particular escapade. However, despite chastising the boys for leaving the dormitory out of hours, she was secretly pleased they were now including her in their plans.

On this particular evening, Harry and Ron had decided to go and speak to Hagrid about the dog whilst Hermione feigned interest at going to research Cerberus' in the library. In reality, she hoped to find Draco there.

Walking softly through the aisles, Hermione glanced towards each table in turn. Her heart dropped as she could see no platinum blonde head bent over a desk. Resignedly, she headed towards her favourite place in the library. A quiet nook at the end of a long corridor in which she had never seen anyone else. To her surprise, tonight, there was an intruder.

Hermione marched towards the student; stopping only when she realised who it was. Draco was sat in one of the chairs with his legs crossed at the ankles. As she moved closer she noticed he was reading one of her favourite books.

She paused and said quietly, "Hi..."

Draco glanced up at her and then back down at his book. "Oh, you're talking to me again now, are you?"

Hermione ached to tell him that it was really his fault she had been upset and was therefore almost killed at the hands of a troll, but she decided now probably wasn't the right time.

"I'm sorry for storming off," she offered as she sat down next to him. "I was already upset so didn't feel like dealing with your comment."

"It's not just because of me, you know."


Draco sighed. "Why I suggested we don't meet around other people. I mean, yes, obviously it would be difficult for me, given my... circumstances. But also, it wouldn't look good for you either. No one likes Slytherins and it would make people wary around you," he took a breath and continued. "You're friendly with Potter now I see and, I guess there's a lot you don't know about my family, but there's a reason father wanted me to try and make friends with him."

Hermione's mind whirled as she tried to take in this new information. "Would you, explain it to me?" she asked.

He looked at her again, wondering what it was about this girl that made him want to trust her. He knew he shouldn't trust anyone, let alone a Mud-, he corrected himself, a Muggle-born. "Yes," he eventually agreed. "But not tonight."

She hoped her disappointment didn't show too clearly on her face as she nodded. "Okay, well, I'll leave you to it then."

As she lifted herself out of the chair, Draco lent over and caught her wrist gently with his fingers. "I'm just tired," he said. "But I do still have some homework left to do, if you wanted to finish yours up with me?"

Hermione grinned as she sank back down again and started pulling books and parchment from her bag. Draco hid his own smile as he went back to reading.

They worked quietly together for the next hour. Only pausing to ask each other a question, or point out something interesting they had just read. Eventually, through yawns, they both admitted it was time to head back to their respective dormitories.

"Tomorrow?" Hermione asked, tentatively.

"Tomorrow," Draco confirmed.

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