Chapter Ten

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"BUSHY HEAD?" she shouted, storming over to Draco that evening.

He looked up at her and smiled innocently. He had initially entertained concerns that the comment was too much however, upon seeing her like this, he realised how much fun it was to wind her up.

"Good evening, Granger," he said. "How lovely to see you received my message."

Hermione rolled her eyes and took her usual seat next to him. "My hair isn't bushy, it's textured."

Draco snorted primly. "It looks like you have housed a Kneazle in there for at least the past seven years. It's a mess. I'm shocked you can hold your head up straight."

He was lying, of course. Draco found her hair surprisingly endearing, not that he would ever admit it. He liked that Hermione didn't succumb to the pressure other girls did to change their appearance. The smell of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion often wafted around the Slytherin dungeon and Draco shivered at the thought. He much preferred vanilla.

As she yanked books and parchment from her satchel, Hermione muttered, "At least my face isn't sharp enough to cut steel."

Draco stroked his chin wryly. "They're aristocratic features, very highly regarded."

Hermione leant over him to grab one of his quills and pretended to cut her arm across his nose. She squealed realistically but couldn't maintain the pretence and burst into laughter whilst Draco pouted next to her.

Settling down, the two updated each other with their news. Hermione had already told Draco about Hagrid and Fluffy, but not Nicholas Flamel.

"I really don't think that Snape would be looking for the Philosopher's Stone," Draco mused. "Who did you say gave Hagrid the egg again?"

"He wasn't sure, someone he was playing cards with in the Leaky Cauldron."

"Don't you think it's a bit odd," he responded, "that, from what you've said, something Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger just turns up who happens to have an egg in this pocket?"

Hermione gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Why didn't I see it before? How many people are going to wander around with dragon eggs when it's against wizard law?"

"The question is then, what did this card player get from Hagrid in return?"

"Hagrid isn't very good at keeping secrets..."

"And does he like to brag about his pet monsters?"

Scowling she said, "He's very passionate, yes, but – ", Hermione broke off, eyes wide. "Do you think he told the stranger something about Fluffy?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"Oh, what a mess. At least Dumbledore is around, he wouldn't let the stone be stolen from right under his nose."

"Um, Hermione." Draco paused. "He's been called to the Ministry of Magic. I overhead Professor McGonagall earlier today."

She blanched.

Frantically packing her belongings away, Hermione apologised to Draco explaining that she had to go and find Harry and Ron immediately. Running from him towards the library exit, Draco wasn't sure why he felt his stomach drop as he lost sight of her.

Hermione burst through the Fat Lady's portrait, much to the latter's chagrin ("watch where you are going young lady!"), and was relieved to find Harry and Ron in their usual positions by the fire. Breathlessly she told them everything she now believed about the stone, obviously leaving out any mention of Draco.

"It's tonight," said Harry at once. "Snape's going through the trapdoor tonight. He's found out everything he needs and now he's got Dumbledore out of the way. He sent that note, I bet the Ministry will get a real shock when Dumbledore turns up."

Hermione wanted to tell Harry that she (and Draco) didn't believe Snape was the one looking to steal the stone but held her tongue. They eventually agreed that the only course of action was to use the Invisibility Cloak and attempt to retrieve the stone before the thief. Hermione was deeply unhappy with this plan however, equally, she was not going to let two of her best friends enter such a dangerous situation without her.

"We'll go tonight then," she said determinedly. "When everyone is in bed."

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