Chapter 3

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   Lois asked me to stay for dinner, and since I didn't have any plans and my mom wasn't going to be home, I decided that I would stay. I saw Francis whisper something to his mom, but I didn't hear what he said. I shrugged it off and asked when the food would be ready.

   "Someone's eager to eat." Lois said. "It'll be ready in about 10 minutes. In the meantime maybe you can get to know the boys better."

"Sounds good. Thank you for inviting me to stay." I responded and followed Francis into the living room. The other boys introduced themselves as Reese Malcolm and Dewey. I told them my name and asked about things like what they like to do, thier hobbies, etc. Soon, though, Lois said it was time to eat, so we all gathered around the table.

    They ended up having to pull out an extra chair for me, and I got to sit in between Hal and Francis. Hal seemed sweet, but kind of a push over. Reese was a little bit of a rowdy jerk (if you know what I mean), but malcolm was pretty funny, sweet, and smart. Dewey, though, was just a cute little bean. Lois was my favorite out of them all. She was tough, and endearing, and she was one of those people who doesn't take shit from anyone.

Francis's POV

   Y/n sat between me and my dad. We had roast beef and mashed potatoes for dinner, which is one of y/n's favorites, according to her.

   About half way through eating and talking, y/n started to cough, which startled me and I instinctively held her hand and asked if she was okay. This made her blush, and after I realized what was happening, I blushed too.

"Oh sorry!" I said as I quickly pulled my hand away.

She apparently didn't mind and responded with "Oh it's fine. I'm sure it's just your instinct."

I felt a little bit of relief when she said this. The boys, of course said "Ooh! Francis has a girlfriend!"

That was it. They had been making comments about us all night, and I had had it. I stood up and chased them around the house until I caught them. I tackled them to the ground and threw them in their room. I closed the door and went back to the table.

   At this point, I could tell y/n was trying to hold back a laugh. Eventually it just all came out.

   "Hahaha!! Oh my God! I didn't know you were strong enough to do that." She said in between gasps for breath.

"Oh shut up!" I said jokingly, and with a wide smile. I think this was just about the best dinner I have ever had in my life. Not because of the food, but because of y/n.

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