Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

    I told Francis I love him the yesterday. He said he loves me, too. I stayed the night last night because we heard Lois and Hal fighting about Francis going to military school.

    I hope he stays, but for now I have to go back to my house to get some clothes. I was wearing the same thing I wore yesterday and needed to change. I also figured that I should grab clothes for the next week or so, since I didn't want to go back to my house.

    "Okay, I have to go and grab some clothes from my house." I told Francis.

    "But what if you're mom's drunk again? What if she doesn't let you come back?" He responded worriedly.

    "I'll be fine, and if I'm not back in an hour, come find me."

    With that, I went back to my house. I entered, and I saw beer cans and wine bottles everywhere. My mother was passed out drunk on the couch, and I was as quiet as possible so I didn't wake her. I changed into a badass but cute outfit, mainly because I wanted to see what the boy's reaction would be. It's an interesting mix of all thier favorite qualities from me.

 It's an interesting mix of all thier favorite qualities from me

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    I gathered all my clothes and put them in my bag. Just as I did this I heard movement out in the living room. I just ignored it.

    "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I heard from behind me. "I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!!"

    I turned around and see my mother standing there. I calmly said, "Please move mother. I would like to go to my friend's house today. That's where I have been."

    She flung her hand at me, but I had been working on my reflexes, so I dodged her attack.

    "Fine." She said calmly. "If you want to be that way, then leave."

     "Finally." I sighed under my breath. She must have heard because she flung a hand at me. I saw it in my bedroom mirror, and ducked just in time.

Francis's POV

    It has been close to 45 minutes since y/n left for her house. I hope she's okay. I hope her mother didn't hurt her.

    I heard the front door open and y/n shout that she was back. I ran out and pulled her into a tight hug.

    "Thank GOD you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come back." I said into her hair.

    "Hey, are you guys alright?" I heard Reese's voice and turned around.

   I cleared my throat and said, "Yes, everything is okay, now that y/n is back, unharmed."

    She pulled me into a kiss, and we stayed that way for a few seconds. Reese cleared his throat to let us know he was still there.

    Y/n blushed and looked down. "Sorry Reese.. I just got kinda caught up in the moment.."

     I could see the jealousy in Reese's eyes as she said this.

Reese's POV

    Y/n made out with Francis right in front of me. It hurt a little, not gonna lie. I thought I could make her fall in love with me. I was wrong. One day, though, she will be mine.

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