Chapter 21

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Francis's POV

    The other day, we were going to perform 'The Candy Man' for some special guest, but Spangler got drunk so that never happened. I have a plan, though. A plan for us to get out of here. I'm tired of this place and so is y/n. We're getting ready for it, and soon it will be executed.

    "Hey. Are you almost ready to leave?" Y/n asked me.

    "For what?" I cocked my head slightly to the side.

    "Duh. We're gonna leave tonight. Leave forever."

    "I thought we were leaving a week from now. Guess we miscommunicated." I shrugged and she hugged me.

    "We can go next week, babe. I'll just be extra prepared." She kissed me on the cheek and left me to get ready.

Y/n's POV

    Francis wasn't ready for our big escape plan just yet, so I'm letting him get ready for another week.

*Skip ahead a week*

    "Francis! Come on! Wake up!" I whisper yelled at him. "We gotta go before breakfast!"

    I pushed him out of the bed and onto the floor with a thud! I pulled him up and we grabbed our bags. Bruno followed quickly after us.

    "Okay! I'm driving!" I yelled. We had borrowed Eric's car, and I just got my licence before coming to live with Francis.

    "Fine. But we stop half way and I drive." Francis climbed into the passenger side of the old suburban and I got in the driver's side.

    Francis reached over and grabbed my hand. I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive in the direction of Francis's house.

    "Hold on, I have different directions." Francis said.

    "You should just drive, then." I pulled over and let Francis take over.

    Bruno was in the back and started barking. "Bruno! Don't give it away!" Francis said to Bruno.

    "And what is it that a dog could spoil."

    "We'll be there in a while. Just take a nap or something." He said.

    "But I wanna stay up with you!" Leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

    "Okay. Okay." He smiled and I grabbed his hand.

Francis's POV

    The next few hours were really boring. I drove past my parents house, and when she noticed she cocked her head to the side and asked me what I was doing.

    I drove out of town without answering her question. I kept driving for a few more hours until we reached a lake with a beautiful scenic mountain view.

    "Wow. It's beautiful out here. But what are we doing out here? I mean, it's not that I don't want to be here, it's just that I don't know why." I jumped out of the car and pulled y/n along with me to the edge of the lake.

" I jumped out of the car and pulled y/n along with me to the edge of the lake

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    "Oh my God. It's absolutely beautiful. Why are we here?" It's was time.

    I pulled a small box out of my pocket and got down on my knee.

    "Y/n y/l/n. Will you marry me?" She gasped. I knew it was going to be bad.

    "Francis..." She trailed off and I was scared. "Of course I will.  Why would I not. I love you so goddamn much, and I would never let you go. I wanted to marry you the first day I met you. I felt like I fit in. I finally fit in. Thank you for that." I put the ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her.

Y/n's POV

    He finally proposed. It was perfect. Francis led me out to a beautiful lake, Bruno was there, and he just asked. He looked afraid, but I knew he knew I wasn't going to turn him down.

    "Here, follow me." He led me by my hand to a little cabin not far from the water. It was perfect.

    "What's this?" I asked, still looking around the outside of the massive cabin.

    "Our new home. I bought it a while ago. I was just waiting for the right time to propose. When I finally found the right time to propose, I led you out here. I hope it's not too soon." I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and kissed him passionately.

    "It's not too soon. I love you." I leaned my forehead against his and smiled.

" I leaned my forehead against his and smiled

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