Chapter 15

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*it's now the month of Valentine's day*

Y/n's POV

    I am fucking bored. Francis is trying to keep me out of his house for some reason, but it's the beginning of the month so it can't be for Valentine's day, right?

    It's Friday, so I don't really have anything to do. School got out an hour ago and Francis kicked me out of the house. I decided to go back to my house to see what my mom was up to. I think I'm just going to grab all of my clothes, shoes, and things so that I can move in with Francis. My mom doesn't care about me, so she won't mind.

    "Mom?" I ask as I open the door to my house. "Are you home?"

    "Y/n!! I've been trying to find Francis's house so I can visit, but I haven't been able to. How have you been?" She seemed genuinely happy to see me.

    "I've been good. Umm.. listen. I was wondering if I could move in with Francis and his family. If you don't want me to I don't have to, but I would really like it. I feel like I fit in with thier crazy and insane lives." I said all of this pretty quietly so that she couldn't get mad.

    "Whatever you want. Just to let you know, I decided to get help a few months ago, and I've been put into a rehab program. I've been doing really good." I could tell she was found good. She looked good.

    "I'm happy for you, mom. Well, I would still like to. At least for a bit. I still don't feel sure about the program or if it's even working." I said, since, for all I know, she could be lying.

    "Okay, well, I'll at least help you pack your stuff." We walked into my room and got all of my things. It probably took about 2 hours to get it all packed up. By the end of it, there were 5 big boxes of stuff all packed up and ready to move.

    "Thank you, mom. I'll see you soon?"

    "Vist any time, y/n."

    With that, I left. I took one of the boxes down to Francis's house, and knocked on the door. This time, Hal opened it.

     "Oh! Let me help you with that y/n!"

     "Oh umm.. thanks. I have a few more boxes that I need to grab from my mom's house. Could you get the boys to help me?"

     "Of course! BOYS!! GET OUT HERE AND HELP Y/N!!" With that they all came running out. I led them to my house and inside.

    "Oh! Who are they?" My mom asked.

    "This is Francis, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey. Guys, this is my mom. She's been doing a lot better recently, so you don't have to worry about her."

    They all muttered a 'hello' when they passed by her.

    "This is my room," I pointed to the boxes. "These are what we need to grab. They're heavy, so lift with your legs." I said with a smile.

Francis's POV

    We walked into y/n's house to get her things. We met her mother, and she seemed nice enough. Hard to think she could have done what she did to y/n.

   We were all led to y/n's room, and I looked around. She pointed to some massive boxes and had us carry them all the way back. When we were half way to my house, I managed to ask why we didn't just take the car.

    "I dunno. That would have been so much easier." Y/n responded with a giggle.

    I was still trying to figure out what I was going to do for Valentine's day. I had never really had a girlfriend long enough to do something for Valentine's day with them. I thought about this for the rest of the walk home.

    When we got back, we helped y/n unpack some of her stuff. As we were unpacking, I asked if she had any plans for Valentine's day. She said no, and I muttered an excited yes under my breath.

    "What?" Y/n looked at me with a confused look.

    "Oh nothing." I smirked at her and she smirked back, even though she didn't know what I was thinking.

    We finished putting away her stuff in my closet and I kissed her. She pulled away and giggled.

    "Goddamn you're cute." She blushed and looked down when I said this.

    "You're pretty badass. I mean the pranks that you pull are fucking amazing. Especially the giant slingshot one." She kissed me on the cheek and I blushed, which was unlike me. "Woah. I actually made you blush."

    "Yeah yeah. Doesn't mean I'm any less of a badass though." I said in a sarcastic tone.

Y/n's POV

    I wonder what Francis is planning for Valentine's day. I kinda hope it's nothing too big. Parties aren't exactly my favorite, but I would go to one of Francis was there.

    I get to stay with Francis in his room, which is pretty cool. I'm just worried that the boys will get the idea that me and him are sleeping together, as in having sex. I do have to share a bed with him, though, which isn't the worst thing.

    "Hey. Are you okay?" Francis looked at me with worry in his eyes. Apparently, my eyes were watering and I didn't even know it.

    "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I wiped the tears from my eyes, not knowing what caused them.

    "Are you sure? You seemed like you were thinking about something intense." I fell into his arms and started crying. I didn't know what I was crying about, I was just crying.

    "I love you Francis." I said through tears. "Please never leave me..."

    "I would never leave you! I love you and would never take you for granted." I leaned in and kissed him deeply. We pulled away, me resting my head on his shoulder.

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