Chapter 10

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Author's note: this chapter is just about what the other family members think of you, so you can skip I'd you would like (except Lois and Hal's are kinda important)

Lois's POV

    Y/n is very very sweet. I hope that one day I get the privilege of being her mom. The boys stare at her sometimes, and I think she's figured out what looks of hers they like.

    I don't think y/n is really tutoring Francis anymore, I think it's more like hanging out. I can't blame them, though. They have chemistry, I can tell.

Hal's POV

    I think me and lois need to talk about Francis's school. He needs to go to the military school.

    "Lois." I said quickly. "We need to talk about Francis."

   "What about him?" She questioned.

   "His grades aren't getting any better and he's not even really being tutored by y/n. I think it's time he goes to that military school."

   "Let's just wait a little longer. I think that he can really improve."

    "Is this about him and y/n?"


    "No please just listen. I see that they love each other, and it may be more than friends, but I also think it's because him being around means y/n's around, and you like her being around."

    "Let's just hold off for a bit Hal. Let's see how this plays out, just for now."

    At that point I knew Lois had won the argument. I dropped it and went back to thinking about Lois.

Malcolm's POV

    I can tell Francis likes y/n. I think she likes him, too. Although, y/n likes to tease Reese, Dewey, and I. Every once in a while she'll wear something badass and sexy and Reese will crush on her. If she wears something cute, I start to like her. Dewey doesn't really care what she wears, though. He just thinks she's always pretty. Which is true.

    "Oh hey Malcolm!" It was y/n. I started to blush when I saw what she was wearing. It was a kind of nerdy but cute South Side Serpents inspired outfit.

 It was a kind of nerdy but cute South Side Serpents inspired outfit

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    I love how geeky she is. I love her style and everything about her. I just wish she didn't love Francis.

Reese's POV

    I saw what y/n was wearing from the couch. Not gonna lie, she was hot. I don't think she was wearing anything under her shorts, which made me smirk at her.

    "What Reese?" She said when she saw my smirk.

    "Oh nothing..." I started staring at her body.

    "You're kind of a creep."

    "Yeah, I know." I answered her. She was now standing right in front of me, blocking the TV, but I didn't mind the view.

    She apparently noticed this and leaned down into my face. I stared into her eyes and then her lips, then back at her eyes. She knew I wanted to kiss her, but right as I leaned in, she leaned out.

   "You wish." She whispered. I did wish and she knew that. Her rejecting me only made me want her more.

Dewey's POV

    Y/n's pretty nice and cute, but I'm only trying to make the others jealous. I'm gonna get her to kiss me and they'll be so jealous. I hope they feel pain.

    "Hey y/n! I was just getting ready to practice my tapdancing. Wanna see?" I said this in as cute a voice as I could manage.

    She came closer to me and whispered "I know you just wanna make your bros jealous, but I'll help anyway." She winked and went along with my plan.

    At the end of the day, she had kissed me on the cheek, which obviously made the others jealous, except for Francis because he knew my plan already. I think might have fallen for her today.

Reese's POV

    Y/n kissed Dewey before she kissed me, on the cheek might I add. I couldn't believe it. He doesn't know what's coming for him. The first day I met her I had devised a plan to get her to fall in love with me.

    First, she would meet me. We would talk and get to know each other. Then I would flirt with her for a few weeks until she kissed me and that would make her like me.

    I almost kissed her today. It was a pretty close call.

    "Yo Reese. Whatcha thinking about?" Y/n came out from Francis's suddenly and it startled me.

    "You." I said, trying to be smooth. I was still sitting on the couch, when she came and sat next to me.

    "Ooh. When did you get so smooth?"

    "I guess I was just born smooth." I looked her up and down. She was in a pretty sexy outfit, and I couldn't stop looking at her.

    "Were you born staring at girls?" She commented, making me blush and look down. She punched me lightly in the arm and said, "Don't worry, I'm just giving you a hard time."

    She laughed and kissed me lightly on the cheek before leaving. Wait... She kissed me. Finally. Now, all I had to do was get her to fall in love with me.

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