Chapter 16

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Francis's POV

    Y/n said she always loves my pranks. I think I'm gonna plan massive prank just for her. We can do it together. I'm not sure exactly what it will be, but I know it's gonna be epic.

    "FRANCIS!! IT'S TIME FOR BED!!" Mom yelled at me from the hall.

    "Okay mom! Where do you want y/n to sleep?"

    "Just with you in you're bed if you guys are okay with it!" I yelled an okay back and got changed into my striped blue pajama pants, but I didn't feel like putting on a shirt, so I didn't.

    "Wow Francis. You don't have to take off your shirt just because I'm here." Y/n smirked at me and looked me up and down. She was already in the bed. I crawled in next to her and she cuddled up next to me.

    It felt weird being this close to her. Sure, we had cuddled before, but we had never shared a bed. She felt cold against my chest, and she smelled like apples. I breathed in her scent and then breathed out with a deep sigh.

Y/n's POV

    Francis was very warm against my cold face. His skin was soft and smooth, and I ran my hands along his chest. I breathed in sync with him.

    After a little bit, I reached my lips up to his chin and kissed his jawline. He looked down and kissed me on the lips.

    "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!" Lois yelled from her room. We both knew what she was talking about and had no clue how she knew we were even kissing.

    "How the hell does she know this stuff?" I asked Francis.

     "I'm as clueless as you are, y/n." Francis responded. He fell asleep soon after, his arm around my shoulder and my head resting on his chest. I scooted closer to him and hugged him tight. He moved and I was afraid that I had woke him up. He was still sleeping when I looked up, and I fell asleep on his warm chest.

Reese's POV

    It's not fair that y/n and Francis get to share a room and I have to share a room with Malcolm and Dewey.

    I went into their room and stuck a note in y/n's hand. It told her to meet me at the school alone when she woke up. I didn't put on there that it was from me, so I didn't know if she even was going to come.

    I woke up at 5 and then quickly changed and ran down to the school. Y/n was already there.

    "Were you the one that stuck the note in my hand?" She asked me as I ran up to her.

    "Yeah.." I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

    "What did you bring me here for?" I got really close to her and, since she was the same height as me, I stared her in the eyes. I grabbed her hand and ran off with her. We ran through the school to the back.

    "Do you know what Francis is doing for Valentine's day?" I asked her.

    "No. Why?" She responded.

    "Well, I've never done anything for anyone before, but I wanna go and do something with Malcolm and Dewey so you guys have the house to yourself if you need it. But I don't know what to do."

Y/n's POV

    Reese dragged me to the back and asked me what he should do with the others for Valentine's day. Well, more like Palentine's day, since he was going to do it with the other guys.

    "Well, what do you guys like to do?" I asked.

     "I like hurting people, Malcolm likes doing smart person stuff, and Dewey just likes playing with toys."

     "Then just do something that's based around those things. Maybe you could play a violent video game. I mean it's a game, so Dewey would like that, the violence would appeal to you, and the strategy would be something for Malcolm to do."

    "Mom's NEVER gonna let us get a video game, especially since she says the rot your mind."

     "Well, maybe you could borrow mine. I mean, I almost never use it, and I have a very violent strategy game. I'll just set it up before your parents go to dinner."

     I never used the thing. It was an Xbox 360 with terrible graphics and storage, but I had bought the most gory games I could find for it. Reese hugged me and, for the first time, I realized I had seen the sweet side of him. Just before he ran off, I said, "You're actually really sweet, Reese. That's a good thing, though." I winked at him and we ran back to the house.

    This all happened before 5:30 a.m.. We got back just before Lois woke up and started making breakfast.

    "You guys are up early." She commented when she saw us sitting at the table.

    "We couldn't sleep, so we came out here to talk." I quickly came up with this out of the blue. I wasn't sure how Lois would have reacted if I told the truth.

     "Okay, then." She ignored up the rest of the time, and went back to making breakfast. Francis can out a little later, this time with a shirt.

    "That's where you went, y/n. I was trying to find you this morning." He said as he walked over to hug me.

    "Sorry for worrying you. I couldn't sleep and came out here to talk to Reese." I held his hand and gave him a look reassuring him that Reese was fine.

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