Chapter 13

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Reese's POV

"Y/n?" It was Saturday, and y/n had come over since her mother was an abusive alcoholic.

"Yeah, Reese?"

"Can we talk? Alone?" I asked this, unsure of what I even wanted to talk about.

"Uhh..." She looked at Francis to see if it was okay. He gave her a nod of approval, and she walked with me out to the garage.

I set up two old lawn chairs so they would face eachother. I sat down and motioned for her to do the same. She sat down and stared at me.

"Soo.. what did you want to talk about?" She looked around at all the things in the garage and then back to me.

"Well, I wanted to tell you that we're having a family reunion in a few days, with my dad's side of the family. Would you want to come?" I didn't actually know if this was fine, or if we were even going to have one. They were rich and cool and didn't like my mom.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure you're even having one. Francis would have asked me by now."

"DAMN IT!!" I heard my mom scream from the kitchen.

"Well, that scream means my mom just got a call from my dad's sister, so I'm assuming so." The scream helped me get out of a lie. "We'll be staying there for a week, like always."

"When do we leave?"

"Probably tomorrow."

"Sounds good. What should I wear?"

"Anything hot." I said that without thinking, like usual. She said "hey!", and punched me in the arm. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Y/n's POV

Reese is starting to grow on me, but Francis is better. Reese invited me to go to his grandpa's birthday, and I accepted. I hope that Francis will be fine with me coming.

"Hey Francie." I said as I walked into his room. "Reese just invited me to your Grandpa's birthday. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" He responded

"I dunno.." I smiled at him and went back out of his room to the kitchen. Lois was still there. She looked as mad as ever.

"Are you okay Lois?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just Hal's sister just called and she invited us to her father's birthday." I could tell she hated Hal's family. I wonder why.

"Well, could I go with? I mean, I definitely don't have to, but I would like to know how Hal grew up. It would be a great opportunity to get to know your family more."

"Of course you can come y/n! Why wouldn't you? You're basically a part of the family now!" I was relieved when she said this. It's great to know I'm a part of a great family like this one.

Skip to the day of the party

I decided to take Reese's advice and wear something sexy. I ended up picking, you guessed it, another South Side Serpents inspired outfit and some easy makeup.

 I ended up picking, you guessed it, another South Side Serpents inspired outfit and some easy makeup

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When I was done with getting ready, everyone else was waiting for me

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When I was done with getting ready, everyone else was waiting for me. When I walked out of Francis's room where I normally changed, they all stared at me.

"You aren't seriously wearing that, are you?" Lois commented.

"Well, blame Reese. He told me I should wear something sexy."

"I didn't think she would actually take my advice!" He defended.

Francis and the others just continued to stare at me. I winked at Malcolm and Dewey, making them blush.

Finally, after checking that we all had everything, we packed in the van.

Francis's POV

Y/n sat between Reese and I in the very back of the van. When we were getting in, I was first, then y/n and finally Reese. He was staring at her ass when she got in, and I glared at him. When he got in, I made sure that he knew if he even TOUCHED y/n, he would be dead.

"Oooh I get to sit between the boys" Y/n smirked and looked at me and Reese. I laughed a little and then put my around her shoulders.

"Okay. Francis and y/n, we don't wanna hear anything coming from back there, got it?"

"Mom!" I said in an embarrassed tone. Y/n blushed and looked down at her feet.

I think y/n was trying to annoy my mom because she scooted closer to me. Either that or Reese was making her uncomfortable.

"Are you okay? Is Reese making you uncomfortable?" I whispered to her. She looked at me with a smirk, and I immediately knew what she was doing.

"You sly bitch." I whispered in response. This made her giggle. God, she has a cute giggle. I thought to myself as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I heard that!" My mom yelled at me.

" How do moms hear everything?"

Y/n looked at me and said, "I have no fucking clue!" She then started to laugh.

"As for the rest of you, absolutely NO FIGHTING!!" Mom yelled the last part to get the point across.

To be continued...

(I just didn't want to make this chapter any longer than it already is lol)

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