Chapter 5

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   I ran over to Francis's house. By the time I got there, I was in tears. He was only about a 5 minute walk away from me, but it was long enough for me to break down and start bawling.

   I knocked quickly. Lois came to the door again, and saw the tears streaming down my face.

   "Oh no, y/n! What's wrong? Are you okay?"  She sounded very worried but had a calming tone at the same time.

   I tried to speak, but between the gasps for breath and my face in my palms, I couldn't get anything understandable out.

  Lois brought me in and sat me on the couch, and left to the kitchen. Shortly after, she brought out a glass of water for me.

   "Here." I nodded a thanks and drank down the water. Francis wandered out, looking as if he had just been woken up.

    "What? What's happening?" He asked in a cute but groggy voice. When he saw me and his mother sitting on the couch, he rushed over and started to comfort me, rubbing circles on my back.

   He's so sweet.

Francis's POV

   I woke up to the sound of running water and my mother rushing around... along with.. crying?

   I looked into the living room and saw y/n on the couch, her face bruised. I rushed over to comfort her, and asked what happened.

  "My... M-my mom.. sh-sh-she got drunk and..." That's all she managed to get out before breaking down again. I brought her into a tight hug, and shushed her, trying anything I could to calm her down.

   "Would you like to stay here tonight, y/n? I could have you stay with Francis in his room if you would like." My mom said in a worried tone, which she almost never used.

Y/n nodded a yes in reply, and I carried her bridal style into my room. I sat her down on the bed and said I would sleep on the floor.

   "N-no. P-pl-please stay with me." She stuttered. I slowly crawled under the sheets with her, and hugged her close. I didn't know her well, but I did know I didn't like seeing her like that.

    "Shh shh shh," I tried calming her down "it'll be okay. I won't let you get hurt. Not while you're here."

She hugged me tighter and, soon, she fell asleep. I did my best not to move,so I wouldn't wake her. She was so cute when she was asleep.

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