Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

I stayed with the Wilkerson's while I trained Bruno. I trained him to stay in the sidecar, sit, stay, come, and a few other tricks. He is a very smart boy, and super sweet. Once he realized I wouldn't hurt him, he followed me everywhere.

I wish I could visit Francis right now. Unfortunately, it would take about 2 days to plan the trip, pack for it, and get the supplies I needed to make the long 2 day trip to Alabama.

Finally, after about 3 weeks of training Bruno and getting ready, I left for Alabama. During the trip, we stopped at parks and gas stations, and a motel. It ended up taking a day and 3 hours to get to Francis's school. I was relieved when I got there, but was really scared. This was a boys school, after all, and the headmaster doesn't want any girls here. I can't wait to see how we're going to handle this.

"Who are you?" A tall blonde dude dressed in military uniform asked. I walked closer to the gate, still gazing around, and looked up at him.

"We came to see Francis." I snapped my fingers and Bruno can running over. I had trained him to come when I snapped or said come, just in case.

"Oh Francis! Man, he's great." He said while opening the gate. He talked the whole way up the long driveway to the school. Francis had only been there for a month, but he was the most loved AND hated guy on campus.

"Well, we're going to have to figure out a way to sneak you in." Just as he said this, Francis opened the massive doors to the school and dropped a large chest on the ground.

Bruno had been following close behind, and he jumped when the chest hit the ground. He ran over to me and I picked him up, since he was still fairly small.

"Y/n! I missed you so fucking much! I'm so glad you guys made it!" He walked over to me and I set down Bruno. I hugged him for a minute or so, and then pulled away to give him a kiss. Bruno looked up at me with a weird look, and I picked him up and then gave him to Francis.

"Francis, this is Bruno. He's our little boy." I looked at Francis nervously, wondering what he was thinking.

"I wish I had met him sooner." He stared at our little floof with wide, loving eyes. I kissed Bruno's head and then asked what the plan was for getting me into the school.

"Well, you and Bruno are going to have to squeeze into this chest. Luckily, he's smaller than I thought, so you guys should fit in." He opened up the chest and I climbed in with Bruno. It was a little squished, but the trip from the front door to his room was a short one.

When he opened the trunk, I stepped out and looked around his dorm. It was messy, but I didn't mind cleaning as long as he brought food and clothes for me.

Bruno hopped out and started sniffing around. He knocked over a few things, but I quickly picked them up.

"Lemme guess, it's been hard keeping your room clean." I said.

"Well, actually I'm pretty good with the cleaning. It's Eric that doesn't clean." Francis said. I assumed that the blonde was Eric, so I just shrugged it off and then asked what I should do.

"This is basically a normal high school, just more strict. And it has uniforms."

"Soo... Am I just hanging out here until the school day is over, or what?" I asked, picking up Bruno again and petting his soft fur.

"You could go out into the rec room. Actually, we could head there right now if you want!" Eric suggested. Francis shot him a look, and then I glared at Francis, assuming that Eric was just being friendly.

"Can I take a shower real quick? My clothes are absolutely disgusting." I said with a smile. Francis showed me to the bathroom and got me a towel. I finished up, changed into some of my more "normal" clothes, and we went down the hall to the rec room.

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