Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

    I woke up with someone's arms around me. I looked up to see a sleeping Francis, a shirtless Francis. I tried my very hardest not to move and wake him, but I failed.

    "Good morning." I said.

    "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

    "Uhhh.. I actually do not know." I giggled as I thought of how I could have ended up laying next to Francis. In his bed, too.

    "What happened to your cheek y/n?" He said in a cute worried tone. I touched my cheek and a surge of pain ran through my face.

   Suddenly, the memories flooded back.

   "Well, I know how I ended up here."

Francis's POV

    Y/n told me what happened last night, and just as she finished the story, my mom nocked on my door.

    "Awww. Good morning Sleepy heads." She said as she looked at us. "Food's ready, so hurry up and get dressed."

    Y/n didn't have anything else to wear, and she didn't feel like going back to her house yet, so I let her borrow one of my shirts. She and I really aren't different in terms of height, but my shirt was still huge on her. It was pretty adorable, not gonna lie.

    When we walked out of my room, I remembered it was bacon day. I ran to the table, got there first and grabbed me and y/n a fair share of bacon.

    "Whoa! That's a lot of bacon!" She said. "Why is there so much of it?"

    "Well, it's bacon day," I explained. "On bacon day, my mother makes a ton of bacon and the first people to the table get to pick how much bacon they want. The others suffer the consequences of being lazy."

    Y/n giggled at the thought of this. She sat down next to me again, like last night, and smiled at the amount of bacon that was on her plate.

   "Damnnn. I get to eat all this?" I could tell she was still kind of sleepy when she said this. My mom surprisingly didn't say anything about the fact that y/n said 'damn'. I was kind of jealous since she never lets me curse.

Y/n's POV

    I yawned a little as started to eat my first piece of bacon. I had to hurry up and finish though, so that the other boys wouldn't try to steal my bacon. Francis talked a little about random things, not really sticking to a specific subject.

    I only just now realized that the boys were staring at me from their room. I guess I was just so focused on Francis that I didn't notice them.

    "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I shouted down the hall at them. Their eyes got wider as they retracted back into their room.

    "Ahh don't mind the boys y/n. They stare at you because you're pretty, and probably because they like you." Lois's comment made me blush. I never thought of myself as pretty, but it's nice to know someone does.

    "Hey Francis?"

    "Yeah, y/n?"

    "Would you go with me back to my house? Just so I can cover my bruise?" Lois turned around. She had quite obviously been eavesdropping.

    "You know, y/n, I have makeup that you can cover that with. If you want"

    "Oh really? Thank you so so much Lois!" I jumped up and gave her a hug. I quickly used some of her makeup and covered the bruise.

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