006| Chapter One

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Chapter One

According to her plans, this was supposed to be a normal day to Tshegofatso. Clean around, take care of her daughter and lounge around... Until, her only real friend she has ever had, Kefentse, came to visit her. She found her cleaning around and offered to help her take care of Nosibusiso so that she could finish early. After cleaning, she joined her friend and daughter in the lounge and, " Fatso, go and take a bath. We are going out ", Kefentse, said to the young lady who just turned to look at her and, " Ay Fentse, I don't really feel like going out ", she responded but that didn't help her in anyway, instead Kefentse was just eager to get her out of the house. She tried with coming up with excuses like not having money but her best friend being the persistent person she is, she didn't even want to hear those excuses - kept shooting back the solutions to her excuses. After sometime of the two ladies arguing with each other, Tshegofatso finally gave in and headed to the bathroom and took a bath. After bathing, she settled herself into a purple tank top, a plain denim jeans with black all-star shoes. Forgetting about the bruises she had, she didn't disguise them with the brown polish and she headed to the lounge to fetch Nosibusiso from Kefentse, wanting to give her daughter a bath but as she reached for her daughter Kefentse stepped back and looked at Tshegofatso for a long minute before, " Fatso. Why do you have bruises on your face? ", she asked and the other girl swallowed hard and, " Oh, I fell and hit the corner of the headboard, you know how clumsy I can be ", she lied as she let out a soft, nervous chuckle but Kefentse just simply kept a straight face. " A headboard? Really? ", she said raising her left eyebrow, " Uyakushaya uLunathi, Fatso? "( Does Lunathi hit you, Fatso ), the afro haired girl just kept quiet, and didn't respond to the last question her friend asked. Lord knows how desperately she wished to tell her friend but she couldn't do it, it risked a lot of things. What if she didn't believe her? What if she told her to just suck it up and take it as it came? What if she judged her for staying? What if sh-

" Tshegofatso Nkosi, I asked you a question. Is Lunathi abusive towards you? ", Kefentse half yelled at her friend, waiting for a response and, " No, no. Don't be silly, you know he loves me ", the lie just flew out of Tshegofatso's mouth, sounding a lot more hesitant than it was meant to and for a second she wondered who was she trying to convince or lie to. Herself or her friend? Did she really believe that Lunathi would change and be the man she wanted him to be, the man he first was before she was impregnated? She didn't really know whether her friend had believed her or what but she still didn't want to linger on the conversation so, " Can you bathe her for me? ", she pleaded with her friend who just agreed to it without any hesitation, " Yeah, just hide those bruises you can't be seen like that ", with that said they both walked to the bedroom and Kefentse bathed the little angel while Tshegofatso fixed herself up, disguising the bruises. Kefentse settled Nosibusiso into a purple warm romper and packed a few nappies, a warmer change of clothes and a few toys along with her feeding bottles both with milk and water, and nestum. The minute Tshegofatso was ready to leave they all headed out, she locked the door and walked over the car and they all hopped inside - with Kefentse driving them to Eastrand Mall.

While on the other side of town, Vuyolwethu was wrapping up the conference call he was having with two of his business associates regarding a new deal they would signing, a multi-billionrand deal. " I will sort out the paperwork and have them sent to you, have a nice day ahead ", one of the business associates said and he flashed a smile her way and, " Thank you Ms Jones, enjoy your weekend ", nods followed his statement and with a smile he hung up the conference and immediately, that smile was dissolved as he turned to his personal assistant, Monique and, " Contact the attorney's and tell them I would like to schedule a meeting for Monday morning, postpone all the rest of my meetings for today and fit them in for Monday and have the rest of the day off ", he ordered as he got up from his chair, grabbing his briefcase and blazer from her coathanger and, " Consider it done, sir ", Monique said to him and he nodded, " I'll see you Monday, enjoy your weekend ", she smiled as the man walked out of the office and took an elevator to the ground floor, with people greeting him as he left the building. He arrived at the parking lot and threw everything he was carrying at the backseat before actually hopping inside his car and driving out of the company - to his house that was an hour away from his workplace.

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