016| Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Early in the morning, Tshegofatso woke up with Vuyolwethu wrapped around her. She wiggled herself out of his grip making sure not to wake him up, slipped on her slides and grabbed her robe and threw it on as she walked to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet seat and roughed up her locs, scratching her head out of regret. What happened yesterday wasn't supposed to happen.

While still in the bathroom, she decided to freshen up. After taking a shower, she settled into a white short sleeve t-shirt, a black leather skirt and pink fluffy slides paired with white happy socks and then headed to the nursery. She bathed Nosibusiso and settled her into a pink jumpsuit with black sandals, she combed her afro and they both headed downstairs to make Nosibusiso and herself some cornflakes. Tshegofatso placed Nosibusiso on the kitchen counter and she warmed up some milk for them while she had a conversation with her daughter. “ Daddy ! ”, Nosibusiso screamed, clapping her hands as she saw Vuyolwethu heading down the staircase and, “ Munchkin ”, he smiled as he walked over to where she was seating and, “ how are you? ”, he asked her.

“ Goo goo ”, she responded with a wide grin plastered on her face.

“ MaNkosi ”, Tshegofatso sent a faint smile at Vuyolwethu as a way of acknowledging his greeting, “ You good? ”, he tried touching her but she yanked his hand away and, “ Yes ”, she responded to his question.

“ Unesiqiniseko? ”( Are you okay )

“ I SAID IM FINE ”, she snapped making Vuyolwethu look at her briefly with faint smirk on his face before chuckling and turning to Nosibusiso. “ Asambe baby ”, he picked her up and headed to the lounge with Tshegofatso following behind them with Nosibusiso's cereal. She handed it over to Vuyolwethu so he could feed her baby and she headed back to the kitchen, to prepare breakfast for the both of them. She made toasted bread with cheese, bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee for herself and tea for Vuyolwethu, headed back to the lounge and gave him his plate taking Nosibusiso's bowl back with her back to the kitchen. She had her breakfast while texting with Kefentse, telling about how her day was going so far but not bothering to even tell her about what happened between her and Vuyo - she didn't want anyone judging her at this point. After eating, she headed to the lounge to spend time with her daughter and Vuyolwethu just headed upstairs to take a shower.


“ Why are you angry ”, she was startled to hear Vuyolwethu's voice behind her and she slowly turned to face him, “ I am not angry ”, she responded trying to keep her composure to the fact that an effing handsome male species was standing in front of her, shirtless. A handsome male she fell romantically and sexually deeply for. She had just tucked Nosibusiso in for her afternoon nap ten minutes ago and she didn't think she would have to face Vuyolwethu, at that moment. She probably would have chose to lock herself in the nursery with her daughter, if she knew. “ Hey ”, he moved the faux locs away from her face tucking them behind her ear and slightly caressing her cheek and, “ ungabakhohlisa bonke, hhayi mina ”( You can never fool me ), he said.

“ What happened yesterday... ”, she dropped her face and looked up again, “ It wasn't supposed to happen ”, Vuyolwethu looked at her confused and, “ Why? ”, he questioned.

“ Because we aren't together anymore, Vuyo ”

“ So? ”

“ So i- ”

“ Tshegofatso look, I understand where you are coming from. I know I messed up and told you I was trying to protect you but the truth is, I was scared okay? I was scared I wasn't going to be enough for you, scared that my line of work would break us up but, I just can't stay away from you. You don't know how hard I have tried, it's like there is something drawing me back to you ”, he confessed his feelings and the black haired girl just looked at him and shook her head in an unbelieving manner, “ What are you saying exactly? ”, she chuckled sarcastically.

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