012| Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

After a full blown four hours of searching for Tshegofatso with no trace of where she could be, Vuyolwethu was starting to get agitated. “ Are you getting anything? ”, Vuyolwethu asked walking inside the I.T room and everyone just turned to each other, eye pointing each other, each not wanting to be one to break the news of no news to him. “ Uhm, not yet ”, Mnqobiwesizwe took it to himself that he tells his friend what's going on, “ It seems like her phone was destroyed so we can't track her down on it ”, he continued and he saw Vuyolwethu's anger visibly brew, at that very same time. “ Are you saying there's absolutely nothing you can do? ”, he asked.

“ Absolutely nothing. Unless there's by any chance that even though ubengawugqokile lomgexo okhuluma ngawo, uhambe nawo ”( -she wasn't wearing that necklace you talking about, she has it with her ), Mnqobiwesizwe explained and, “ The tracker on the necklace is connected to my phone, check it ”, Vuyolwethu ordered taking a seat on the seat next to Mnqobiwesizwe and buried his face on his palm, sighing heavily. He felt so helpless about all this. He promised Tshegofatso that he would protect her and now h-

“ I think I found something ”, Suffocate said taking his laptop and heading to where Vuyolwethu was seated, “ It's in Soweto, Orlando West to be exact ”, he explained showing him the GPS navigations from the laptop.

“ Orlando West? Who would t- ”, Vuyolwethu started to question himself but in realisation of who had taken Tshegofatso he stopped mid-sentence and banged the table before, “ That stupid motherf- ”, he breathed out angrily before barging out of the I.T room, heading straight to his office with Mnqobiwesizwe following behind him. “ So, what's your plan? ”, Mnqobiwesizwe asked closing the door behind him.

“ To get Tshegofatso back home, unharmed ”, Vuyolwethu responded as he grabbed a change of clothes in the cabinet and, “ Vuyo, I can't allow you to leave here without a plan. Last time I did, you killed a person ”, Mnqobiwesizwe said and Vuyolwethu turned to face the man behind him. “ Fire, ungahlala wena uqhamuke namaqhinga kodwa mina, ngiyahamba ngiyolanda uMaNkosi futhi ngizombuyisa khona namhlanje ! She is probably being slaughtered where she is so forgive me, ngoba ngizowubulala vele loyamgodoyi ”( you can stay behind and come with plan but I  am going to fetch Tshegofatso and I am bringing her back home, today ; because I will kill that dog ), Vuyolwethu said and Mnqobiwesizwe just raised his hand in surrender before leaving the office. Vuyolwethu changed into a black t-shirt, black denim jeans with his Louis Vuitton sneakers. He threw on a bullet proof vest, grabbed his gun and headed out. “ Asambeni ”( Let's go ), the territorial species ordered as he got out of the elevator.

“ Jaguar I thin- ”, he immediately turned to face Bullet and, “ Sikulenyakanyaka ngoba uhlulekile ukumvikela, uhlulekile ukwenza umsebenzi olula ngakho ngiwuwe ngengithula, ungekahlanganiswa nalodonga ”( We are in this mess because you failed to protect her, you failed to do a simple task so if I were you I'd be keeping my mouth shut, before you are merged with that wall ), he said sternly looking straight into her man's eyes and he clucked. He headed to the basement with the crew following behind him and he grabbed his matte black McLaren 765 LT keys on the keyholding box, being the first one to drive out of the headquarters being followed by two Audi RS6 of the same colour.The drive from Johannesburg to the South Western Townships in Orlando West took a minimum of 20 minutes as Vuyolwethu was driving like a maniac on his way there, all he could think about was his woman - nothing else.

For the past time interval of five hours, Lunathi has been torturing Tshegofatso. He really enjoyed seeing the dark chocolate skinned teenager in pain and all this time, he had this dirty smirk plastered on his face. He was going through the shopping bags that Tshegofatso had came with when he found the lingerie that Kefentse had forced the girl to buy. “ I'm so going to enjoy ripping this off you ”, Lunathi said as he licked his lower lip with his eyes filled with lust.

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