013| Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Tshegofatso woke up at one o'clock in the early hours of the morning only to find out that Vuyolwethu was not with her. “ Vuyo ”, she called for him thinking he was probably in the bathroom but when she got no response she got up, slipped on her moccasins and walked to the bathroom and, he was not there. She slipped on her robe and then headed out of the bedroom, to look for him. She looked all over the house and, she didn't find him so she just retired to the kitchen to warm up a glass of milk for herself to drink, maybe then she could go back to sleep without worrying about having any nightmares. When she got to the kitchen, she found Noluthando there having a cup of tea, browsing through a magazine. “ Hey ”, she greeted her as she made her way over to the fridge.

“ Baby, I'm so happy to see you ”, Noluthando jumped off the highchair she was occupying and rushed over to the girl, attacking her with a hug that caused her to flinch, “ I thought something bad had happened to you ”, she continued while stepping back to check the young girl out and, “ I'm okay Lu, I'll survive ”, the girl responded in the most polite way possible.

“ Uhm, have you see uVuyo? ”, Tshegofatso asked and, “ Ngimgcine ese-ofisini lakhe, umbhekile khona? ”( I last saw him in his office, did you check him there ), Noluthando asked and Tshegofatso shook her head no, truthfully. She might have checked the whole house for him but she didn't think about going to his office, she just didn't think he could have been working so early in the morning. It was literally in the wee hours, who works until that time? Definitely, Vuyolwethu Ndhlovu.

Tshegofatso walked down the passage until she reached the closed door. She knocked two times and received no answer so she turned the door handle, letting herself inside. She found Vuyolwethu indeed in the office but he was lost in his own thoughts. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand and there was a gun on his desk. “ Vuyo ”, she called out softly and he didn't reply nor react to her calling her so, “ Vuyo ”, she tried again and this time, half yelling.

“ Huh? ”, the man responded as he was swiftly returned to his senses and he turned to look at the girl standing by the door with a worried expression. “ Are you okay? ” she asked and he simply nodded, avoiding to lock eyes with her for a reason only known to him. “ Vuyo, I can see that something is bothering you. Please talk to m- ”, before she could even complete the sentence, “ I SAID I'M OKAY ! ”, Vuyolwethu snapped making Tshegofatso involuntarily jump at his voice and when he noticed this, he instantly regretted his actions.  She opened her mouth to say something but she quickly held it back and briefly looked at the man sitting in front of her before leaving the office.

Noticing that he had hurt her, Vuyolwethu got up from his chair and followed the seventeen year old. Walking in the bedroom, he found her sitting on the bed, with her head buried in between her knees as she was hugging her legs. “ MaNkosi ”, he said softly and the young girl slowly raised her head to look at him and he walked over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed, “ Ngiyaxolisa, bengingaqondile ukukuphakamisela izwi b- ”( I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you I- ), Tshegofatso stopped him before he couldn't continue whatever he wanted to say. “ I understand ”, she said in response and she noticed Vuyolwethu calm down for a moment. She did understand, really. “ Why are you awake? ”, Vuyolwethu asked as he wiped Tshegofatso's tears away from her puffed face and, “ Ngibenephupho elibi ”( I had a nightmare ), she replied and he realised why she was looking for him in the first place. She was scared to go back sleep on her own. She thought something was going to happen to her, she was overthinking everything.

After taking off his sneakers and t-shirt and being left with only his jogger pants on, they both got under the blanket and Tshegofatso snuggled up closer to her man, and he simply just held her in a cuddling position and slowly she drifted off to sleep.

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