009| Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Waking up the next morning by the intense urge to pee, Tshegofatso headed to the bathroom to relieve her bladder. Whilst on that, she decided to just take a shower at once and after showering, she settled into a pair of denim jeans with a black vest and flops and then checked up on her daughter. Seeing that Nosibusiso was still asleep, she headed downstairs and on her way down she was attracted by the smell of freshly made pancakes and brewed coffee, slowly reminding her of how much she had missed her aunt's culinary skills. She has always been a good cook. " Morning angel ", MaShandu said when she turned and saw her niece making her way downstairs, " How did you sleep? ", she asked walking over to the counter where Tshegofatso was taking a seat at.

" Ngilale kahle, wena? "( I slept well, you ), Tshegofatso responded making herself comfortable on the highchair she was occupying. " Ngilale kahle nami "( I also slept great ), MaShandu replied holding Tshegofatso's face to see how he bruises were fading and, " Doesn't it hurt? ", she questioned out of concern and Tshegofatso shook her head no.

" Here's your breakfast ", she gave her niece a plate full of pancakes topped with blueberries and cinnamon sauce, exactly how used to like them - how she still likes them. She poured her a glass of apple juice and then joined her on the highchairs. “ So, kwenzakalani phakathi kwakho noVuyo? ”( What's happening between you and Vuyo ), MaShandu asked unexpectedly causing Tshegofatso to choke on her food and she quickly gulped down half her juice. MaShandu looked at her niece with a smirk, a little amused by her reaction. For a moment, Tshegofatso couldn't look her aunt in her eye so she just looked at her plate and, “ Uchaza ukuthini? ”( What do you mean ), the young lady questioned and, “ Cha, ngiyabuza nje. I just saw the way he looks at you and I just thought... ”, MaShandu shrugged at the end of her sentence and Tshegofatso bit her inner cheek to prevent the blush she felt sneak in on her, “ He is just helping ”.

“ Yeah, just helping ”, the old lady chuckled slightly and Tshegofatso took that as cue to clear the plates and wash them, but before she could even act on her thoughts she heard Nosibusiso crying from upstairs. “ I'll wash those, check on her ”, Fatso smiled at her aunt and wiped her hands before rushing upstairs, stopping to let out a breath when she was out of her aunt's sight and then carried on walking to check on her ray of sunshine.

“ Hey baby, hey sunshine ”, Tshegofatso said kissing her daughter's cheeks and then her cute, pouted lips. Immediately when Nosibusiso heard her mother's voice she stopped crying and started giggling instead. Naughty. The young mother took her daughter and headed to the bathroom, and gave her a bath. After bathing her, she settled her into a pink romper, pink hat and she headed downstairs with her. “ I was just about to send a search party for you ”, MaShandu joked and the young girl laughed at her aunt and, “ Sacela ungibambela yena, ngizomenzela umdoko ”( Please hold her for me, so I can make porridge for her ), she gave her daughter to her aunt and prepared something to eat. After that, she fed her daughter - burped her and helped her drink water.

“ What do want to do? ”, her aunt asked and having no idea what they could do, she just suggested they binge watched some classic movies. She headed to the bedroom to change her daughter's nappy while MaShandu remained in the kitchen, already preparing popcorn and a few other snacks. She received a phone call from an unknown number and she figured it was probably something important since she wasn't someone who received any phonecalls, so she answers and puts it on speaker - placing on the bedside table, “ Hello ”, she greeted.

“ MaNkosi ”, just by how the caller addressed to her, she already knew who it was. Mr Ndhlovu. Weirdly, the minute she heard his voice she felt a weird feeling creep in the pit of her stomach. A swooning sensation that made her feel like her stomach was tying in knots. “ Hello ”, she greeted back.

𝖥𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝖾𝗉𝗍𝗁 𝖮𝖿 𝖬𝗒 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 Where stories live. Discover now