021| Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

At seven ‘o’ clock in the morning, Tshegofatso was woken up by Nosibusiso and Olonathando, asking her to join them and watch movies with them. The girls were already bathed and full of energy, you would swear it was noon. Tshegofatso woke up and took a quick shower and joined her daughters in the house cinema. She only had an afternoon class so she had plenty of time to spare and besides, Vuyolwethu left very early since they needed him at the office so she only had little Nosibusiso and Olonathando to keep her company. They spent almost the whole afternoon in the cinema and had their brunch there.

At one pm, she took a quick shower to freshen herself up and settled into a white long sleeved crop top paired up with a black Kappa tracksuit with royal blue Balenciaga sneakers. She styled her hair into bantu knots and made simple edges, glossed her lips, took her bags and headed downstairs and found Mam'Nomadlozi preparing dinner. “ Sawubona ma ”, she greeted the old lady and, “ Tshegofatso, sowuyahamba? ”( Are you leaving already ), she nodded in return grabbing a fruit and car keys on her way out and, “ Bye ma ”, she yelled already heading to the basement. She hopped inside her car, turned on the car aircon and connected her phone to the aux and played Romance, the last album by Cuban-American singer, Camila Cabello. She arrived at school, parked in and headed straight to class.

Class was dismissed two hours later and instead of spending time with her friends as usual, she drove straight home in hope that she would find Vuyolwethu already at home. She hadn't seen him all morning and she was already missing him, you would swear she last saw him a month ago. As Tshegofatso was driving home, she felt as if someone was following her but whenever she looked at the side mirrors to see something or someone, she just saw ordinary people driving to and from work. She finally figured she that she was just being paranoid and shifted the feeling off. She got home and found her little girls with her soon to be husband hanging out in the garden, and she joined them after putting her stuff away. “ Ndhlovu. ”

“ MaNkosi ”, she took a seat besides him and they shared a quick kiss and Nosibusiso looked at them them and, “ Ha mama, daddy, mba nami? ”( Can I get a kiss too ), she said pouting her lips and leaning over to Tshegofatso then Vuyolwethu, for a baby kiss. “ Dankieeee ”, she said after they both gave her kisses and she headed back to Olonathando and played with her, leaving the couple in stitches. When it was starting to get dark, they all headed back inside and watched TV while having dinner. After dinner, Tshegofatso bathed the girls and tucked them both in then headed to the main bedroom and found Vuyolwethu getting ready to take a shower. “ Can I join you? ”, she grinned closing the door behind her and Vuyolwethu looked at her a little amused and he bit his lips seductively before, “ I like that idea, Mrs Ndhlovu ”, he said.

“ Mrs Ndhlovu, I love the sound of that ”, she licked her lower lip and stripped off her clothes until she was butt naked and, she headed back to the bathroom just after seductively winking at her man who just watched her disappear into the bathroom and he slowly shook his head and licked his lip at the thought of what he would do to her. He joined her in the shower and they bathed each other, scrubbed each other's back and before she even knew it, Vuyolwethu picked her up and pinned her back against the wall with her legs wrapped around his waist. He hungrily kissed her and she responded with as much passion, while his thumb was teasing her clitoris sending her to another cosmic planet. Her moans were like music to his ears, slowly turning him on by the minute as he continued to tease her. “ Oh my... ”, she couldn't even complete her sentence because Vuyolwethu unexpectedly slipped two fingers inside his cunt and she arched her back, letting out the loudest moan. They had three steamy rounds of some good rough sex in the shower and after that, Vuyolwethu bathed her and dried her up and headed back inside the bedroom. Tshegofatso settled into panties and one of Vuyolwethu's t-shirts, which happened to look like a dress to her. They got under the blankets and cuddled up while telling each other about how their day went about until, “ You know, I felt like I was being followed today on my way here back from school ”, Tshegofatso told Vuyolwethu and he immediately got up and looked her straight in the eyes and, “ What? ”

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