015| Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It has been 8 months since Tshegofatso and Vuyolwethu ended their relationship and it hasn't been easy on the both of them, especially Tshegofatso. If she didn't see him every weekend having to both discuss school matters, it was him coming by to visit Nosibusiso and this simply meant, he was all over her face. As much as she wanted to avoid him, she couldn't. On Vuyolwethu's side, he couldn't really stay away from the girl or her daughter. He always wanted to make sure that they were both okay, that they had everything they needed but most importantly, he just wanted to be with them. As much as he would deny it, the two girls were his happy place - besides his daughter, they were the first people he would think of after a long day of work, the first people who kept him going whenever he had to attend on one of the dangerous missions he always had to attend to.

Tshegofatso's phone's alarm went off and she groaned as she tried to reach out for it and put it on snooze for just 5 more minutes but, it was out of reach. She woke up, slipped on her slides and headed to the bathroom after doing her bed. She took a long cold shower to wake herself up and then walked to the closet, and settled for a pair of ripped jeans, black strappy vest and white Nike Air Max 95 LX with an anklet on one leg. She grabbed all her school stuff along with a baby pink cropped puffer jacket and headed downstairs, to make breakfast for herself - cereal and a cup of coffee.

While she was waiting for Amanda, Nosibusiso's nanny she decided give her daughter a bath. Talking about Nosibusiso, her 1st birthday was coming up and, Vuyolwethu alongside Tshegofatso's friends, Kefentse,Ntandoyenkosi and Boikanyo, were planning a birthday party for her. As much as Tshegofatso emphasized the fact that just wanted something small, she knew how her friends could get all caught up in the clouds and forget the rules and this time she knew her words fell to deaf ears when Vuyolwethu gave them a budget of 50 000 rands. Yes, an amount of a flipping 50 000 rands for a baby ! Anyways, after bathing Nosibusiso she settled her into a pair of plain jeans and a purple hoodie, tied her hair into two afro buns. They headed downstairs and she left her in the lounge, on the couch and went to the kitchen to make her something to eat, distracting her with her phone. Well, Vuyolwethu bought her an iPhone 6 Plus after she caused a scene at the Apple store, refusing to leave the store without the phone. Long story short, Vuyolwethu and Tshegofatso had the most heated argument when she found out about the phone but, she didn't win that one.

As she was making cereal for Nosibusiso, “ Morning family ”, Amanda yelled as she got inside the house and she gave Tshegofatso a quick hug before rushing over to Nosibusiso, “ Baby girl ”, she kissed the little girl all over the face causing her to giggle and erupt into laughter. “ How are you? ”, Tshegofatso asked Amanda as she walked back to the kitchen carrying Nosibusiso, who had her phone in hand playing games. “ I'm happy ”, Amanda responded with a smile and Tshegofatso couldn't help but smile back, she always loved seeing her friends happy.

“ uze uyaglowa girl ”( you are even glowing ), she said grinning at her friend and Amanda just blushed at the statement. “ Awuth' ngihambe ngingekabi late for my class ”( Let me get going before I get- ), Tshegofatso grabbed her school bags, kissed her daughter goodbye and headed out when she received a notification from the Uber App notifying her that the cab was at her gate.
Her class took only 2 hours and then the professor finally dismissed them. After class, Tshegofatso and her friend Oyenkosi decided to take a walk to RocoMamas to grab something to eat for lunch and they had a little conversation on their walk there. “ So, when are you getting laid? ”, Oyenkosi suddenly blurted out making Tshegofatso stop in her tracks and look at her friend, taken back by her question. “ Come on, you can't tell me you don't miss getting laid ”, Oyenkosi reasoned when she noticed how surprised and shocked her friend was when she mentioned coitus.

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