025| Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Jaguar arrived at the headquarters, parked in the basement and headed inside and, “ Evening Mr Ndhlovu ”, the receptionist greeted him and he just responded with a polite nod as he made his way upstairs, to the cold room where they were keeping both Siyabonga and Lerato. Everything was ready, the weapons and all that was short was his presence. He entered the room and found Mnqobiwesizwe already there waiting for him and, “ Have you contacted Ebongweni Correctional Services? ”, was the first thing Jaguar asked and, “ Yes, they are flying out here to get him as we speak. ”

“ Thank you, get him out of here I need time with her ”, he said referring to Lerato and Mnqobiwesizwe simply nodded at the order and left with Siyabonga, leaving him with Lerato.

“ Vuyo I- ”

“ Shut the hell up Lerato, there is nothing you can say to get yourself out of this mess. ”

“ But- ”

“ Shukuthi angeke wayeka ungijwayela amasimba Lerato, until I deal with you personally? ”( So, you won't stop pissing me off... ), he asked the girl who just kept quiet and looked at Vuyolwethu straight in the eye, trying to free herself from the handcuffs. “ You know, Lerato, I never lay a hand on a woman because I respect them but you... You have been messing with me every single chance you get and I'll put a stop to it, today. You started off by having my daughter raped, and then you plotted to have my wife killed, what will be next? Huh? What will be next? ”, he questioned.

“ Vuyo I am really sorry I didn't me- ”

“ Lerato, you are yet to be sorry. Right now, you are just guilty but when I am done with you, you will be sorry that you were even born ”, he said calmly as he walked over to lock the door and untying Lerato. “ See, I don't want you to be helpless. I want you to fight back so I am going to untie you but, if you dare try something funny, I will kill you without hesitations ”, he said untying her legs and put the keys in his back pocket and when he turned, he backslapped Lerato so hard that she stumbled upon the wall and her lips was cut.

“ Fight for yourself. If you have the nerve to hire people to kill my loved ones then you can fight me ”, he said pulling her back up with her braids and roughly pushing her back to the wall with her head and she hit her forehead and broke her nose on the wall. She stumbled back and turned towards Vuyolwethu, she attempted to throw a punch but he was to quick he held her hand and twisted it back making her screams loudly and, “ I am sorry ”, she yelled while in tears.

“ What are you sorry for? ”, he asked and, “ For trying to hurt Tshegofatso and letting Olonathando get raped, ngiyaxolisa ”, she apologized and Vuyolwethu just laughed and pulled her into a sitting position with her braids and backslapped her again and she literally fell unconscious with that last slap. He checked her pulse and she was still alive so he unlocked the door and headed downstairs, to find Mnqobiwesizwe and when he did he told him to just drop Lerato off at a random hospital, far from Johannesburg and then went to deal with the man from Ebongweni Correctional Services as they headed already arrived. There wasn't much to do regarding Siyabonga's case, he only needed to sign paperwork to deal with the transfering Siyabonga to the  super-maximum prison. “ If he dares escapes in your care, all hell will break loose and flood your world ”, Jaguar threatened as he handed over the files and one the man took them as they dragged Siyabonga to the helipad. Seeing that everything was starting to line up, Siyabonga was finally in custody and Lerato has been dealt with, he decided to just leave everything else for some other time and he drove back home to his wife and children.
Olonathando barged in the main ensuite bathroom just as Tshegofatso had finished bathing and for some unknown reason, she seemed excited beyond measure. “ Gogo is here ”, she said unable to contain her excitement and, “ Muphi? ”( Which granny ), Tshegofatso asked as she dried herself up and, “ Gogo MaNdhlovu ”, she replied referring to Vuyolwethu's mother.

“ Okay baby, I will be there in a minute ”, Tshegofatso assured the six year old and she ran out of the bathroom heading downstairs as Tshegofatso headed to the closet to find something respectful to settle into and after a hard time deciding she finally settled for a black knee-length dress with an Ankara headwrap with slides. She started by the nursery to check on Imibuleloyenkosi and she found Vuyolwethu already there. He was sitting on the rocking chair, with his eyes closed and Imibuleloyenkosi laying on his chest as he hummed a lullaby softly for him to fall asleep. Tshegofatso smiled at the sight as she stood at the door, balancing on the doorframe with folded arms. She just smiled at how Vuyolwethu was making an effort to love and make time for his children, with Nosibusiso included. He has proven over and over again that no matter what happened between him and Tshegofatso, he would never abandon Nosibusiso and Tshegofatso was just grateful for it. Grateful that she finally met someone who could deal with all her unnecessary crap without laying a hand on her, someone who was willing to stay with her through it all and that was all she really wanted.

Vuyolwethu finally opened his eyes and when he saw Tshegofatso standing there, he smiled at her and, “ How long have you been standing there? ”

“ Long enough to witness this bond ”, she responded as she walked over to the pair and Vuyolwethu chuckled softly and stood up. He gently laid the sleeping Imibuleloyenkosi in his cot, and covered him with a throw blanket and they both tiptoed their way out of the nursery after making sure that the monitor was on incase he was to wake up. When they were finally out of the nursery room, Vuyolwethu pinned Tshegofatso against the wall and kissed her as though his life depended on it, with her responding as intensely to the smooch. They pulled out after sometime and he glared into her eyes and, “ I love you ”, he confessed.

“ Let's hope your mother still does too ”, Tshegofatso.

“ What? ”, Vuyolwethu asked in confusion and, “ She's downstairs. ”

“ With my dad? ”

“ Angazi ngitshelwe nguOlona ”( I don't know, I was informed by Olonathando ), she answered him and he just simply took her hand into his and they headed downstairs, to the lounge and found Vuyolwethu's parents watching TV with Nosibusiso and Olonathando and having coffee and biscuits.

“ Huh uh ma, it's 9 am ”, Vuyolwethu said and, “ Manje? Utsho ngeshori nje ”, his father teased at him and, “ It's not too early if we haven't see our son in almost a year, uk'gqiba sive ngoZwelethu uba umtshato uyaqhubekeka ”( and we only found out from Zwelethu that the wedding was back on ), MaNdhlovu said and, “ I was going to tell you ”, Vuyolwethu quickly shot back and his mother just rolled her eyes at her son and, “ Haisuka khaw'zapha ”( Whatever, come and give me a hug ), she said walking over to her son and pulling him into a tight long hug and let go of him after sometime time and turned to look at Tshegofatso for the longest time before smiling at her and, “ Ukuze ubuye, kunini ebelesele uVuyo ”, Tshegofatso chuckled and MaNdhlovu pulled her into a hug. Tshegofatso wasn't expecting this, the last time they met she had her swore she would never break Vuyolwethu's heart and right now, after all the events that took place in the past seven months, she though MaNdhlovu would be out to kill her for leaving him. “ Sawubona ma ”, she politely greeted.

“ Haibo Tshegofatso, andibonakali ndilixhegu ndingaka? ”( Tshegofatso, am I invisible even at this old age ), Mr Ndhlovu asked and Tshegofatso laughed as she headed to him to give him a hug. Shortly after that, Vuyolwethu practically dragged Tshegofatso to the kitchen and, “ So, have you found a wedding planner? ”

“ I was going to call Jessica this afternoon ”, Tshegofatso.

“ Don't worry, I'll help ”, MaNdhlovu.

“ Ngiyabonga ma ”, Tshegofatso.

“ It's only a pleasure sthandwa, now can I see my new grandchild, whom you were going to hide from me anyway ”, MaNdhlovu joked and Tshegofatso gasped before, “ Maaa, that is not true ”, she whined making MaNdhlovu laugh before, “ Haiwethu, asikho apho. Asambe ”.

“ Tshegofatso led the way to the nursery and when MaNdhlovu finally saw Imibuleloyenkosi she was so excited she almost even cried. It was mostly because the child was so adorable and the fact that Imibuleloyenkosi looked much like Vuyolwethu was a huge bonus. It was true, the only features Imibuleloyenkosi had inherited from Tshegofatso was her birthmark, her light brown eyes and nose, everything else mirrored Vuyolwethu and she wasn't complaining.

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