026| Epilogue

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It has been four months since Imibuleloyenkosi was born and it was the afternoon before Tshegofatso and Vuyolwethu's wedding and Tshegofatso was both nerve wrecked and happy at the same time. Nothing she felt when she was about to almost marry Nkosinathi or Siyabonga, that day she plainly felt belittled and felt controlled as she always felt when she was still with Lunathi. This time it all felt different, she wasn't pressured into anything, it was all because she loved Vuyolwethu and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, and only him. Today she wasn't allowed to see Vuyolwethu at all, even if it was just for a split second and everyone has been trying their utmost best to keep the couple away from each other, but knowing her soon to be husband, Tshegofatso knew he was probably coming up with a plan to see her. Tshegofatso was with her aunts, Vuyolwethu's mother and aunts and they were advising her of how she had to behave " emendweni " and to her, this conversation was both funny and uncomfortable at the same time, especially when they started talking about sex.

A few hours later, Amanda came to fetch Tshegofatso as she had promised to take her out to celebrate her last day as Miss Nkosi. The nineteen year old headed upstairs to take a quick shower and then settled into a black backless romper paired up with black and white Alexander McQueen sneakers. She combed her short hair and grabbed her things and headed downstairs. She found Olonathando and Nosibusiso with their gran, having hotdogs and juice and she offered to look after them along with Imibuleloyenkosi so Tshegofatso didn't have to worry herself too much.

She kissed her baby girls goodbye and they headed out. “ So, where are we going? ”, Tshegofatso asked as she buckled herself up and, “ AncientLink hunnay ! ”, Amanda screamed happily as she started the car ignition and driving out of the Ndhlovu residence and, Tshegofatso connected her phone to the aux and played her ‘ Chills ’ playlist. They drove to the lounge while jamming to Holy Ground by Davido featuring  Nicki Minaj, and they had the song on repeat.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at AncientLink and it was too quiet and it was weird because Tshegofatso is used to the place being to busy. “ Mandz, are you sure they are open? ”

“ Stop being insecure wena man ”, Amanda said taking Tshegofatso's hand and heading inside, “ It's unusually quiet ”, Amanda chuckled at that because she figured Tshegofatso would already know what was happening by now but, she was wrong. They got inside the lounge and immediately after the girls closed the door behind them, the light flicked on and everyone shouted, “ Surprise ! ”, and Tshegofatso slightly jumped at this because she wasn't expecting it. She slowly turned to face everyone and when she saw all her friends there, she just smiled happily and sighed out as she visibly calmed down. Most of the people that were here were really old schoolmates and she figured they were actually here to see if she really was the one getting married. She spotted Kefentse and Boikanyo walking over to her and, “ You guys ”, she attacked the both of them with a hug, “ I wasn't expecting this at all. ”  “ Reason why it's called a surprise, dummy ”, Kefentse said rolling her eyes and everyone laughed. Boikanyo helped Tshegofatso wore the ‘ Bachelorette ’ sash and the crown. Tshegofatso socialized with almost everyone and had a chance to catch up with her old ' friends ' and everyone had a great time. About five hours later, Tshegofatso and her friends drove straight to Emperors Palace since the wedding was taking place there. Tshegofatso was sharing the suite with her three musketeers and when they arrived there, they pretty much hung out and watched a few classic movies and only slept at midnight. Tshegofatso really needed her beauty sleep, she couldn't afford to be an ugly and grumpy bride.

Tshegofatso Nkosi.

I was first to wake up today and without waking up my friends, I headed straight to the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath because for some odd reason, I was nervous and jumpy today. I got out of the bath an hour later and wrapped a towel around my body, rinsed the tub and then headed back to the bedroom but weirdly, Amanda, Kefentse and Boikanyo were no longer there but I didn't let it worry me. They were probably out to get breakfast or something. There was a knock on the door so I answered it and my make up artist let herself inside the suite. “ Morning darling ”, she greeted as she started setting up her equipment and, “ How are you? ”  “ I should be the one asking, are you ready? ”, she smiled at Tshegofatso as she pointed a seat for her to sit on and, “ I am nervous. ” 

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