020| Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

It has been a week since Tshegofatso reunited with her father and today was the day of the lobola negotiations between the Ndhlovus and the Nkosis and not knowing what to expect made Tshegofatso as nervous as hell. She had just finished taking a shower and was getting ready when Nosibusiso and Olonathando barged inside her bedroom, “ Morning angels ”, she greeted them with a smile and they just ignored her and headed straight to bed, got under the blankets and drifted off to sleep almost immediately and she just laughed at them. She settled into a white dress and a red kente headwrap with pumps and it wasn't long when she received a text message from Vuyolwethu telling her he was outside and she must come to him. They hadn't seen each other in a week and she was tempted to take his offer but,

' I am not allowed to see you nor go outside ', she texted back and a few minutes later, she heard a soft knock on her bedroom window and when she opened it, there he was standing with a smirk on his face, “ Hey you ”, he greeted her.

“ You know you aren't supposed to be here right? ”, she asked laughing and, “ Woza ”( Come ), he helped her out of her room through the window which luckily didn't have any burglar steels, and since her bedroom was by the garage they sneaked out of the yard and ran down the street to where he had parked his car which was six house away from her house. They both got inside of the car sighed out heavily before turning to look at each and bursting out of laughter. Vuyolwethu kissed her with so much passion and she returned the gesture before, “ I missed you ”, he confessed pulling out of the kiss and, “ It's been a long week. ”

“ You forgot hard ”- Vuyolwethu.

She chuckled at that and they talked for about five minutes catching up before walking back home and Vuyolwethu went back to his car while Tshegofatso sneaked back in. She found her friends in the room and they all stared at with looks of surprise before she shrugged and, “ Yini? ”( What ), she broke the silence.

“ Hehe girl, ngeWindow vele? ”- Boikanyo.

“ Voetsek ! ”, they all laughed at her and she joined in. After sometime, Tshegofatso and her friends were called in so that Vuyolwethu's uncle's could identify her and luckily they had a chance to meet her before she came to Katlehong so, they picked guess who? Her, obviously. The lobola negotiations were finalized and the Nkosis hosted a small braai to welcome the Ndhlovus to the family. Tshegofatso and her friends were in the kitchen having their lunch when Vuyolwethu's mother came into the kitchen and asked to speak to Tshegofatso, privately. “ It's okay guys, you can excuse us ”, she assured her friends that they could leave her and they headed out leaving her with her mother in law. “ Well, I guess we are family now ”, Mrs Ndhlovu Snr said to Tshegofatso with a smile on her face and not knowing how to react to this sudden ‘ love ’ she faintly smiled at her mother-in-law awkwardly before, “ Ma, you don't really have to pretend, ngiyazi ukuthi awungithandisisi futhi sengikwamukele lokho ”( - I know you really love me and I have already accepted that ), she confessed.

“ Uhm Tshegofatso ”, Vuyolwethu's mother took a seat next to Tshegofatso and, “ I know I didn't really welcome you the way you would have wished but that doesn't mean I don't like you. I just thought that you were too young to be with him but then, Vuyo loves you and I don't really have a say in his love life... ”, Tshegofatso chuckled at that and, “ And besides, I think you are a good woman and you deserve each other ”, she smiled at the girl who just happily attacked her with a hug and, “ Ngiyabonga ma ”, she thanked her.

“ MaNkosi where are y- ”, Vuyolwethu stopped in his tracks when he saw his mother and his fiancée, who is now technically his wife since the dowry has been paid, and he tensed up. Knowing that his mother didn't really welcome Tshegofatso when they met and seeing them together just ticked him off and, “ Ma, I swear if you harrassing m- ”

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