014| Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Two weeks later.

Vuyolwethu rushed down the staircase as he clipped on his timepiece to his wrist and he found Mam'Nomadlozi and the house chef preparing breakfast. “ Good morning mister Ndhlovu ”, they greeted and he simply nodded their way in acknowledgement before, “ I won't be here for breakfast ”, he announced grabbing his car keys from the key holder, and headed towards the basement. He climbed in his grey Audi RS3 and started the ignition, driving out of his residence just after telling his security detail not to follow him. He drove to the nearest mall and headed straight to the McDonald's drive through, and ordered something for himself since he had missed dinner, making sure he doubled his order. After getting his order and settling the bill, he drove straight to Pretoria to see Tshegofatso regarding school.

He arrived thirty minutes later, and the guards buzzed him in as they recognised the car's registration details and they knew him - he is their boss, what did you expect? He knocked on the front door and, “ Coming ”, he heard Tshegofatso shout from the inside and it didn't even take two minutes, the door was answered. “ Vuyo? ”, Tshegofatso said immediately when she opened the door, she wasn't expecting to see him this soon. It has been two weeks since they broke up, since they last saw each other so she hadn't really healed from it. As good as seeing him there was, it still broke her. “ Tshegofatso, can I come in? ”, she froze for a minute or two before snapping out of it and shifting from the door, making way for him to pass. He led the way to the lounge and when he saw Nosibusiso laying on the couch, he cracked into a smile and, “ Here's my pumpkin ”, he said picking her up and kissing her all over the face making her giggle and squeal of excitement. For a brief moment, Tshegofatso found herself smiling at the sight, she just loved how Vuyolwethu was fond of Nosibusiso - it made her happy. Vuyolwethu turned to Tshegofatso with Nosibusiso in his arms and, “ How are you? ”

“ Uhm- ”, she breathed out loudly and turned towards the kitchen, “ I am okay ”, she responded to his question walking over to the kitchen with Vuyolwethu following behind her. Instead of saying anything, Vuyolwethu just eyed the girl in disbelief of her response. He wanted to believe her but her tone showed no sign of being genuine so, it was hard. “ What? ”, she murmured when she noticed that Vuyolwethu was staring at her, “  I'm fine, really ”, she said in a more convincing manner this time before, “ Anyway, what are you doing here? ”, she asked.

“ I was to check on you and Nosibusiso, and to just give you the stuff you will need for tomorrow and- ”, he reached into his pockets and pulled out a MasterCard luxury card, “ -this ”, he handed it over.

“ I don't need that ”, Tshegofatso said not wanting to take the black card she was being handed and, “ Well, it's yours so you can do whatever you want with it, except giving it away of course ”, he said placing on the kitchen counter and Tshegofatso just secretly rolled her eyes at him. Why was he so stubborn about- almost everything?! It say it annoyed the hell out of her would be an understatement of a lifetime. He stubbornness just made him seem controlling and that was one streak Tshegofatso wanted to avoid in man, last time she dated a controlling man she became a punching bag.

“ You said you came to give me something ”, she said avoid to say something that would make her sound like an ungrateful bitch and, “ Zisemotweni ”, Vuyolwethu replied walking over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of juice, “ I'll bring them in a minute, I brought something to eat ”, he pointed over the kitchen counter where he had placed the takeaway bag. “ You got Big Mac and the Oreo McFlurry? ”, Tshegofatso flashed a beaming smile at him for the first time since he came and, “ Well, ye- ”, before he could complete what he wanted to say Tshegofatso rushed over to the kitchen counter and started taking out food and dishing it up on the plates but before they ate, she grabbed Vuyolwethu's carkeys and, “ I'm coming back ”.

She took out all the shopping bags inside the car's trunk and took them inside, as heavy as they were. “ Vuyo ”, she called from the outside trying to open the door with her arm but Vuyolwethu opened the door quickly making her stumble inside the house and, “ What the h- , I told you I was going to get them ”, he said taking some of the bags from her and, “ Well, I was curious and you weren't eager to do it ”, she answered using her leg to close the door behind her. Vuyolwethu opened his arm to say something but he just sighed heavily while shaking her hand at the girl as she went through the bags, “ I- you so hotheaded ”, he said through his teeth. “ I heard that ”, Tshegofatso said rolling her eyes and, “ You actually were supposed to hear that, MaNkosi ”, he said in a truth-be-told kind of tone and, “ Whatever. ”

Tshegofatso unpacked everything that Vuyolwethu had bought for her and it was mostly school stationary and a new iPad. “ What is this for? ”

“ Oh it's yours, I figured since there is going to be a lot of assignments and mostly of them will be required to be submitted via emails, you will be need that and i- ”

“ Vuyo... ”, he stopped talking and looked at her, “ Thank you ”, she murmured at him and he just smiled at him and, “ No need to thank me. ”

They spent almost the whole day together with Vuyolwethu briefing Tshegofatso about everything she needed to know with the institution she was going to attend at. After all that, Vuyolwethu left the young woman to get ready for the next day since it was her first day at school and he had already found someone who was going to look after Nosibusiso. No matter what happened, Tshegofatso would always be grateful to have met Vuyolwethu in her life. He has been there through it all and she wouldn't forget him if she tried.

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