011| Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Tshegofatso woke up and headed straight to the bathroom, to freshen up. After showering, she settled into a black cropped hoodie sweatshirt, a pair of boyfriend denims with happy socks and Adidas shoes then headed downstairs, only to find Vuyolwethu having breakfast in the kitchen. “ MaNkosi ”, he smiled at her as he saw her walking down the staircase and she slightly rolled her eyes and, “ Hhay'suka awung'vusanga wena ”( You didn't wake me up ), she said as she walked over to the kitchen counter.

“ You looked so cute, I couldn't ”, Tshegofatso smiled at him as she took a seat besides him, taking a sandwich from his plate - much to his dismay really. “ Yeah right ”, the girl replied and, “ Ngiyakutshela nje ”( I'm telling you ), Vuyolwethu crossed his fingers and again, Tshegofatso rolled her eyes with a smile plastered on her face. They had breakfast and after that, Tshegofatso went to check up on her daughter as Vuyolwethu left for work.

“ Baby baby ”, she smiled as she picked her daughter up and kissed her small pouted lips making her smile, revealing her perfectly pink gums. She looked so adorable. She gave her daughter a bath and settled her into a pink cute sleeveless dress as it was a hot day, she then combed her afro and they headed downstairs, bumping into Noluthando on the way. “ Here's my baby ”, Noluthando excitedly took Nosibusiso from her mother and planted kisses all over her face. “ Unjani nanasi? ”( How are you baby girl ), she asked as they all headed downstairs, to the kitchen and Tshegofatso warmed up the purity for her daughter, giving it to Noluthando to feed her.
Tshegofatso was in the lounge with Nosibusiso, watching cartoons when she received a phone call from her friend, Kefentse. “ Hey friend ”, she answered within the first ring and from the other side of the line she heard her friend cluck and, “ HeY FrIeNd ”, Kefentse said in a mocking manner before, “ Where the hell are you?! ”, she shouted.

“ Yo, ngikhohlwe ukuk'tshela ukuba angisahlali noLunathi ”( Snap, I forgot to tell you that I don't live with Lunathi anymore ), Tshegofatso responded to her friend's question, mentally slapping herself in the head for forgetting about her friend just like that. Worse thing was, Kefentse was more than just a friend to her. She was a sister, a supportive  sister for that matter. She's always been with her through thick and thin and she just forgot about her. “ Let's meet at East Rand Mall, in two hours ”, the girl on the other side of the line suggested and Tshegofatso just went with it, this was her way to try and make it up to her. “ Okay, see you later ”, she hung up and headed upstairs to find Noluthando, leaving Nosibusiso downstairs. “ She's watching cartoons ”, the girl replied and taking a wild guess, “ Mr Bean? ”, Noluthando questioned and Tshegofatso nodded as she chuckled at how well Noluthando had grown to know and loved Nosibusiso.

She knocked on her bedroom door and it didn't even take long until Noluthando invited her in. She let herself inside and found the woman watching comedy movies and she walked over to the bed, taking a seat besides her. “ Fatso, where's my baby girl? ”, she asked pausing the video and shifting her focus to the girl who had taken a seat next to her. “ Ngimukhumbulile ”( I miss her ), Noluthando pouted her lips as she admitted in a whiney voice.

“ I was just about to ask you to babysit for me ”, Nosibusiso's mother chuckled and, “ Going somewhere? ”, Thando asked earning a simple nod from Tshegofatso before, “ Meeting with a friend ”, she answered. “ In that case - ”, Noluthando slipped on her slippers and then they headed downstairs to get Nosibusiso. Arriving in the lounge, they found Vuyolwethu watching TV with Nosibusiso on his lap and, “ Aren't you supposed to be at work? ”, Tshegofatso asked grabbing the man's attention as he acknowledged that there were people in the room.

“ I hired managers for a reason, why did you leave Nosibusiso unattended? ”, Vuyolwethu said and, “ I was going to ask uNoluthando to babysit for me ”, she said in response to his question.

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