008| Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Next morning, Tshegofatso woke up and headed straight to the bathroom to freshen herself up before she could go and check up on her daughter. After showering, she settled into a floral summer dress paired with black flip flops and went downstairs. She found Vuyolwethu sitting on the kitchen counter drinking a glass of milk and busy on his phone and involuntarily she found herself drooling over the man. He hadn't acknowledged her presence so she took her time and studied the shirtless and handsomely fine male species sitting in front of her. His hazel eyes, his knee - weakening smile, those perfectly toned abs and biceps that she so wished she could run her finger on and-

She was brought back to her full senses when she heard someone clear their throat and she noticed that it was Vuyolwethu. He just sat that with his eyebrow raised accompanied by a little smirk plastered on his face and he chuckled for a moment before, " I could be all yours, you know? ", he said looking straight into her eyes, unknowingly awakening her butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

" Huh? ", she hummed confusingly and he just laughed from amusement and, " Stop drooling, MaNkosi ", he said, " Ngisayogeza, and relax I'll make sure to throw a t-shirt on this time "( I'm going to bath ), he said getting off the counter and walked over to the sink to rinse the glass he was using and then headed to his bedroom, leaving Tshegofatso in the kitchen dumbstruck and a little embarrassed that he had caught her drooling over him. She walked over to the fridge and took out all the ingredients she would need to prepare breakfast - English breakfast. She started off with heating up the oil to fry the eggs and bacon, and just when she was chopping the tomatoes Mam'Nomadlozi headed downstairs and found her preparing. " Sawubona ngan' yami "( Good morning my child ), Tshegofatso turned to look at her with a smile and, " Sawubona ma, ulale kahle? "( Greetings, did you sleep well ), she asked and the older lady nodded at her in response then offered to help her prepare breakfast for everyone since she was already awake. They finished preparing breakfast and then told everyone that food was ready before Tshegofatso headed to the nursery to check on her little princess. She found the door half opened and when she headed inside and found Nosibusiso in the ballpit with Noluthando, and surprisingly she was already bathed. " Morning ", she greeted Noluthando and then walked over to the ballpit and gave her daughter a kiss, " Aren't you having breakfast? ", she asked.

" I've already had something to eat, Nosibusiso too. Don't worry, I'll take care of her ", Noluthando responded to her question and then assured her that Nosibusiso and her would be okay so she just thanked her and then headed downstairs to join Mnqobiwesizwe and Vuyolwethu for breakfast. They all indulged themselves on the food with no words exchanged until Tshegofatso decided to break the silence and, " Mnqobi, why did you introduce yourself as Fire yesterday? ", not expecting the question nor for Tshegofatso to have remembered that Mnqobiwesizwe chocked on his drink and he was finally okay, he looked at Vuyolwethu who just plainly shrugged and resumed eating his food. " You need to go back to your house man, ungiqedela iGrocery ndoda "( You are finishing my grocery man ), Vuyolwethu changed the subject and Tshegofatso laughed at that statement. " That or you want Tshegofatso, or should I say MaNkosi to yourself? ", Vuyolwethu quickly turned to look at Mnqobiwesizwe who just shrugged while smirking and, " Hhayi I am just stating it but relax I am almost done with the mission so I'll be out of your hair next week ", he continued and, " Good ", Vuyolwethu muttered. Tshegofatso just laughed at the two man and started clearing the table as they had all finished eating, they thanked and she just acknowledged them with a smile and then went to the kitchen to put the dishes away - and with plan to wash them. She filled the sink with hot water and started sorting out the dishes so she could wash them properly and just when she was about to wash the cutlery Vuyolwethu stood behind her and pulled her hands out of the water and took her dishcloth and wiped them. All this time Tshegofatso was just standing there admiring him, just staring at him trying to make sense to why he was just so perfect, inside and out, in her head. " Hhayi MaNkosi, ngithe I can be all yours, your stares are creepy "( No MaNkosi, I said - ), he said as he let out a softly chuckle while looking down the beautiful lady standing infront of him and Tshegofatso just slightly rolled his eyes at him and sucked her teeth before, " Let me just go and check on my daughter, and leave you in your kitchen ", she said as he took a seat on the kitchen counter as the young lady headed out of the kitchen, to the nursery. Tshegofatso could hear him laughing at her as she left the kitchen and, " Run away all you want ! ", he shouted behind her, making her involuntarily blush without even taking notice of it. She chuckled to herself as she went up the staircase making her way to the nursery and found Noluthando still watching over her daughter and, " Hey, I'll take over from here. Thank you ", she said as she walked over to the pair and took her daughter, " My pleasure, sthandwa "( Love ), Noluthando said with a smile written all over her face, " She is adorable, I couldn't resist ", she said making Tshegofatso smile as she looked over her daughter and started talking to her while she grabbed everything she would need before heading to her bedroom. She played with her daughter, sang to her, fed her and just enjoyed spending time with something she could hardly do back at Lunathi's house. She could hardly bond with her daughter because she always had to clean after a grown man who still had the nerve to beat her into a pulp, even after the things she had done to help her. It took only a few hours until Nosibusiso was sleeping again, you would swear this child liked sleep over her mother. She let her daughter sleep in her room and then left the monitor just incase she woke up crying and then headed out, making sure to tiptoe and just outside the room she bumped into Noluthando who was heading to her bedroom but, " Oh hey, is my baby asleep? ", Noluthando asked referring to Nosibusiso and Tshegofatso giggled before, " Out like a light ", she replied.

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