007| Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Back in Johannesburg, Tshegofatso regained her consciousness and heard the sound of beeping machines, and to say they annoyed her would be an absolute understatement. After a lot of struggle, she managed to flutter her eyes open to see where she was, and by her surroundings merged with the smell of pills she figured she was in hospital. Not a nanosecond after she woke up the doctor graced the ward with his presence followed by Lunathi and she immediately tensed up at the sight of her boyfriend. The doctor started with a minor check up on her and, " So, how are you feeling Ms Nkosi? ", he asked.

" My body is a bit sore, but I'll survive ", she responded and the doctor just simply sent a faint smile her way and, " I would advise you to lay a charge on the burglars that did this to you ", he suggested and Tshegofatso just looked at him, with confusion written all over her face.

" Burglars? ", she questioned.

" Yes ", the doctor turned to look at Lunathi with a look of suspecting something, " You, were attacked and your boyfriend found you unconscious, right? ", Tshegofatso looked over Lunathi briefly and he had a small smirk plastered on his face showing that she was enjoying seeing Tshegofatso vulnerable and, " Oh yes ", she said letting out a nervous chuckle. The doctor slowly nodded whilst looking at Lunathi as if he suspected that there was actually more to the story than what Fatso was letting on. " Anyway, besides the fact that you have a broken rib, everything seems to be functioning well. We will give you medication and discharge you, your rib will heal naturally since there wasn't much damage ", he said as he scribbled something on the paperwork he was carrying and handed over the clipboard to Lunathi, " Can you please sign that discharge form? ", Lunathi simply nodded at him taking the board and unexpectedly they heard, " Can't you expand my stay here? ".

" Unfortunately I can't Miss, but I will give you another date for another check up ".

" Thank you ".

" Have a good day ahead ", with that said the doctor left the Tshegofatso's ward and headed straight to his office. " So? ", his friend asked immediately after he opened the office door and let himself in.

" He was right, she is being domestically abused. And from her hospital record, it's been going on for sometime now. ", he said taking off his coat and stethoscope and taking his seat. " Whoah, Jaguar is not going to like this ", Mnqobiwesizwe said as he concluded the email he was writing to Vuyolwethu sent alongside a document attached that had every single piece of information about Tshegofatso.  Every single detail !

" Don't ever do what you just did ", Lunathi said to Tshegofatso and she decided to act like she didn't know what he was referring to, " What did I do? ", she asked.

" Asking the doctor to ' extend ' your stay. It will make them suspicious and we don't want that - do we? ", he smirked while caressing her cheek and pecked her lips as she tensed up from his touch, " Now get ready, we have to leave ", he continued.


Vuyolwethu was still cooped up in his bedroom and he was busy on his laptop going through some important paperwork when he received an email from Mnqobiwesizwe. He read through the email before opening the attachment that it was sent along with but with only that, he already knew too much. He grabbed his phone and dialed one of his pilots. " Boss ", Jayme answered his phone.

" Please get the helicopter ready, I'll be in the airport in an hour ", Vuyolwethu said already packing his laptop and grabbing his car keys. " Okay boss, I will be waiting ", with that said he hung up and then headed downstairs - only to find his mother in the kitchen and he dreaded the talk they were about to have. " Ma ", he said and she turned to look at him, and after noticing the car keys and the briefcase he was carrying, " Uyaphi? "( Where are you going ), she asked.

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