019| Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

After Olonathando's therapy session, Vuyolwethu, Olonathando and Tshegofatso went back to fetch Nosibusiso before heading to McDonald's for a little family outing. They bought food takeaways there, a few snacks and drinks at Woolworths before they went to Johannesburg Zoo and had a petite picnic there. For the first time, Olonathando loosened up and became free, became herself, genuinely smiling. Her face just lit up in a rather different way meaning she was slowly opening up and this made not only Vuyolwethu happy but, Tshegofatso too. She might have not been Olonathando's biological mother but, when she saw her she saw her own child - she didn't care about the blood running through their veins, exactly like how Vuyolwethu cared for Nosibusiso. They all had a very nice day and what even made Tshegofatso happier was the look on her daughter, Nosibusiso's face when she saw the animals in real life, it just showered her with joy.

Back at home, Tshegofatso gave the girls a bath and settled them into warm pyjamas and then took them to the house cinema. She had rented a few animated and “ child friendly ” movies for them so she let them choose one and left them there as she wanted to take a long, soothing bath to relax as she had the longest day today. After bathing, she wrapped a towel around her body and went to the bedroom where she found Vuyolwethu laying on the bed texting on his phone. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him, waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to say and when he finally acknowledged that she was looking at him, he quickly sat up and, “ Should I fear? ”

“ Maybe ”, Tshegofatso chuckled, “ What do you you want? ”, Vuyolwethu looked at her confused of what she meant and, “ Lutho ”( Nothing ), he responded.

“ Uhm, try again ”.

“ Okay fine ”, he switched off his phone and put it aside, “ I need to talk to you about something important ”, he said and Tshegofatso's insides instantly knotted up when he mentioned ' important ', plus the look on his face didn't really comfort her in any way possible. The last time he had that look plastered on his face, he broke up with her, telling her about wanting to protect her and all those lousy excuses. He sat next to her and took her hands into his and this act, made her even more edgy. “ Okay, you are scaring me now ”, she said looking straight into his eyes and, “ Promise me you will keep an open mind? ”, Vuyolwethu requested.

“ Huh uh, why? ”

“ Tshegofatso stop being stubborn and just promise me ”, she hesitated for a moment before finally gave in and finally promised. “ I need you to reunite with your father ”, and immediately when he mentioned that, Tshegofatso quickly pulled her hands away from his and got up. “ No ! ” 

“ Tshegofatso, please ” 

“ Vuyo no ! ”, she snapped at him and he raised an eyebrow at her surprised of she managed to get all worked up in such a short space of time while she promised she would keep an open mind, “ That man chose a woman over me, his own daughter. If only he didn't do that, I wouldn't have been a victim of domestic abuse and I- ” 

“ And you wouldn't have met me ”, he attempted to reason with her but then...

“ Vuyo I won't do it, okay?! He is the one who wronged me, he should be the one apologizing and not the other way around ”, Vuyolwethu squinted his eyes in confusion before, “ Whoah ”, he said standing up and walking over to where Tshegofatso was standing and, “ I never said go and apologize to him, I just need you to reach out, to him ”, he said looking straight into her eyes and she just rolled her eyes at him, “ Tshegofatso for us to get married, I need your father's blessings ”, he said and, “ No you don't ”.

“ Yes I do. I can't just marry you without your family knowing. I need you to reach out to your uncles and the only person connecting you to them, is your father ”, he explained but it didn't really matter because Tshegofatso was hearing none of this.

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