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THEY WERE ON A BENCH, HAYLEY WAS DRIPPING POISON INTO A CUP. She had gone to a shop to buy the plant while Elizabeth went to buy a cup of tea. She just had to drink this and her problems, well part of it would go away. Then she makes the witches remove the linking spell with torture, otherwise, it wouldn't be fun.

They would leave the city and Elizabeth would find the courage and strength to face her father. She would steal the ascendant, free Kai. Her brother would become the leader of the coven after merging with Josette, and then they would both be happy, or a least free from their dad. And Elizabeth would finally be able to kill her father when he would no longer be the leader. She was already thinking about the ways she could make him suffer. Elizabeth just had to drink this cup. It was a simple thing.

Hayley smiled at her reassuringly. "Lizzie one upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history. It's going to be okay," she assured her softly.

Elizabeth lifts the cup toward her face, closes her eyes then opens them, and lowers the cup again without drinking it. She sighs, she was not afraid to do things that were less scary than that, Elizabeth could do it. Elizabeth takes the cup once again towards her face but she stops once again when Hayley stands up looking around. Elizabeth looks at her confused. However she then understands, something is wrong when she feels magic around them, the magic it felt like a vampire.

A vampire appears in front of the friends. "Dumb move, coming into the Quarter," he tells them menacingly. "You're coming with me, wolves."

Elizabeth laughs at his face, as if he could do anything to them. On the other hand, Hayley yells. "I have had it up to here with vampires telling me what to do."

She then takes the cup from Elizabeth's hand and throws the cup's contents into his face. The vampire roars in pain since the tea is still hot.

"Damn Hayley that was savage. Good job," remarks Elizabeth impressed.

However, they spin around, only to be faced with two more vampires. Elizabeth reaches to one of them siphoning him to death. She felt the rush of magic coursing through her veins. The other one tries to attack her but suddenly Rebekah shows up, rips the heart out of the chest of the other vampire. Both vampires fall to the ground lifeless.

Rebekah looks at the dead vampire and reprimands him. "Now, that is no way to treat a pregnant lady. I do hate bad manners." then the blonde vampire throws the heart on the ground.

Hayley gasps while Elizabeth laughs still feeling euphoric after siphoning. "You are totally crazy-pants blondie, like damn that was amazing," Elizabeth said.

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