Chapter 3

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Caitlin woke up with a very bad, throbbing headache, but it was ignored by the sweet smell of bacon and eggs.
Confused she got up, put a robe on, brushed her teeth, and went to her kitchen to see Savitar.
She asked,
"What are you doing here?"
"You don't remember anything for last night, do you?"
"Last night....was Iris' party. But why are you-did we?"
"No, no. You just said I could crash here, since I, uh, don't really have a home."
"Oh," she stated, trying to remember.
"I can leave if you want."
"Um, no. That wouldn't be right. You can stay here until you get a place to stay." She sounded comforting, but something told Savitar that she wanted him gone. Fast.
Sensing the awkwardness, Caitlin went back to change into work clothes and Savitar asked her if she wanted breakfast.
"I don't eat breakfast," she shrugged, "but I do appreciate you making it, seriously."
After she left the kitchen, Savitar sighed and ate by himself. 
Caitlin got dressed in worry as she was late for work. She rushed out to the kitchen to see Savitar already dressed.
"Sometimes I envy super speed," she smiled and he looked at her perplexed. Was she being nice?
Before she could blink, they were at Star Labs and everyone stared at them.
"Soooo, is there a reason you guys are late?" Iris said mockingly.
"You got me drunk last night! Remember?"
"Wait, you guys came together?" Barry asked confused yet interested.
"Yeah" Savitar shrugged and Barry smirked.
"It's not what you think! He doesn't have a place to stay, so I offered him a house until he can get one."
Everyone nodded and Cisco went on to explain a meta human.
"There was a break in at Mercury Labs last night. Reporters don't know exactly what happened, 'cause y'know, Mercury Labs and their secrecy. But if we pull up the CCTV security cameras, look at what happens."
"He froze the security guard!" Iris exclaimed.
"His's just like mine," Caitlin gasped.
"Exactly. If we can catch this Jack Frost guy..." Cisco started off.
"..we can ask him more about Frost," Caitlin finished.
"What? Cait, he killed a security guard. He could be dangerous, it's too risky," Barry said, looking out for his friend.
"It could be, but it's probably the only chance she has to get answers," Savitar imputed his opinion, which caught everyone off guard.
"He's right, Barry. If there's anyway to communicate with my other half, this guy is our best bet."
"Okay, fine. Where do you think he is now?"
Caitlin moved around typing on the computer, "well, if he's using his powers, we could track his cold signatures, and.....aha! He's at an old abandoned warehouse right outside Central City."
"Why don't Barry and I go to Mercury Labs and ask what went missing?" Iris suggested.
"That'd be great. Thanks Iris," Caitlin smiled appreciatively.
As Barry and Iris left, Cisco got a phone call.
"Hey babe. What?....I'm in the middle of.....okay," he sighed and turned to his best friend.
"If anyone wants to figure this out, it's me. But right now, Gypsy needs me," he shrugged his shoulder and sighed apologetic.
"Hey, it's fine. Go."
At last, there were only two. "So?"
Caitlin sighed, she rather go by herself, but something wanted her to be by Savitar, and she found it odd how he made her in a way.
Savitar held her bridal style and sped off right outside the warehouse.
Caitlin took a deep breath and he asked her if she was okay.
"I think so, I just really want some answers more than anything. Okay, look. The priority today is to talk to him, if he does attack us though, just don't kill him. But be careful, you may be a speedster, but ice can harm you."
"Wow, can't believe you care."
"I'm a doctor, that's my job!"
"It's okay, Cait. The cold never bothered me anyway."
Something about the way he said Cait made her feel butterflies. It wasn't the friendly way Barry called her. Then she realized,
"Did you just quote Elsa?"
He didn't reply and just smiled while she shook her head.
"Okay, let's go."
They walked in and Savitar whispered,
"It's-It's freezing, what the hell?"
"That's strange, I don't feel anything." They moved into the dark space, hearts beating loudly against their chests.
Then, out of no where, a icicle shot out in aim of Caitlin, but before she could react, Savitar pushed her out of the way, dodging the icicle and brought her toward a wall.
"Are you okay? Why didn't Frost show up?"
"I'm fine, thanks for saving me. But Frost, I don't know. She's not responding for some reason," she looked into his eyes scared and he replied,
"Okay. Stay here, I'll try to get through to him," she just nodded her head, thoughts full of questions on why Frost never showed up.
Savitar left the wall and ran back to where the icicle first showed up.
"Show yourself, coward!" In response,
Two more icicles flew his way, yet he successfully dodged them.
"Well, well," a thunderous voice boomed through the room, "is this The Flash I have here, visiting me?"
Savitar laughed,
"Oh, no, I'm far worse," he seethed in anger.
"Now, now. No need to get mad." The man said almost mockingly. Savitar, whose anger was hotter than lava, raced up toward the man and chocked him, but anger getting the best of him, he got distracted, which gave his opponent a perfect chance to stab him with an icicle.
"No!" Caitlin shouted from the sideline, she released a gush of wind which threw the opponent off balance.
"You-"  he turned to Caitlin who was now fully transformed to Frost.
"You're just like me," he said astonished.
"I'm nothing like you, you son of a b*tch," she spat in disgust.
Yet, he only smiled. He threw a ball of wind in retaliation and Frost fell and blacked out.
Savitar still lying on the floor in pain, shouted out, "stop! What are you doing?"
"I've had enough of you." He took a icicle and stabbed Savitar in his abdomen and he grunted in pain, but what hurt the most was watching the villain grab Caitlin and rush off and unable to do anything.

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