"Okay, so we got James Greenway, Renée Alarie, Ryan Onalu, and Issac Pierce." Cisco pulled up 4 pictures of each, along with a description of who they are, hobbies, where they went to school, and etc.
"4 people who have absolutely nothing in common," Iris observed.
"This doesn't make any sense...they don't have any similarities in jobs, education, ethnicity, even the places they live are in different countries!" Barry said shocked.
"Hold on, there has to be something." Savitar commented, thinking quietly.
Caitlin spoke up, "they're all human. No meta-human abilities, that could be something," she shrugged her shoulders.
"You're right." Cisco stated, "they're also between 20's and 30's. What could Jack Frost want with non-metas millennials?"
"Well, we know why he wanted our help..." Savitar started.
"Because with speedsters, we're the only ones who could get them faster than he could," Caitlin finished. He looked at her appreciatively before she looked down at the floor.
"Um. Okay," Cisco clapped his hands after viewing the awkwardness, "there has to be a reason why he wants them in such a hurry. We're walking around egg shells right now. We should bring all 4 here and question them to see what's up."
Team Flash nodded in agreement.
"Greenway is only a few hours away from here, I can drive," Caitlin suggested.
"Great. I'll go get Renée Alarie in France," Savitar stated, while Barry said, "I guess I'll get Ryan Onalu."
"That leaves me with Isaac Pierce in Canada," Cisco finished.
"I'll go catch Dad up. We should probably come up with a plan on why they should come here." Iris stated.
"We can lie." Savitar suggested.
"Lie?" Barry asked.
Savitar rolled his eyes, "don't think of it as lying, your just hiding why they need to come, by coming up with a different excuse."
"That's like the dictionary definition of lying," Cisco stated.
"Okay then why don't we just say, 'hi, we work with a team that fight against villains with superhuman abilities and a criminal with ice powers wants to resurrect his wife that he killed and needs you for some reason.' Cause I'm sure that'd get them excited!"
Everyone glanced at one another and sighed.Caitlin drove 2 and a half hours to the address Cisco sent her.
She rang the doorbell and a man in his late 20s, opened the door with nothing but a towel around his waist.
"Oh. I-" Caitlin's stuttered at the sight of his refined abs.
"Can I help you?" He said with his eyebrows scrunched.
"Sorry," she recollected herself, "my name is Dr. Caitlin Snow. I'm from Star Labs in Central City, Missouri and I was wondering if I can get your help."
He eyed her cautiously, and slowly said,
"Come in. I'll be with you in a moment." He stepped into another room and returned, fully clothed. The black haired, blue eyed man sat on the couch across Caitlin and asked,
"How can I help?"
"Well. My research shows me that you're a criminal psychologist."
"Your research shows you correctly, then."
"We have someone in Star Labs, who's extremely dangerous and we were wondering if you can help."
"I've heard of Star Labs, yeah. Harrison Wells, I mean, who in the science world hasn't heard of him? If I remember correctly, it's where the whole particle accelerator accident happened, right?"
Caitlin blushed in embarrassment, "yes, that would be correct."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," he smiled.
"No, it's fine. What we did was a horrible mistake," she felt guilty of lying. She hated the part she had in making meta-humans and changing the lives of innocent people, it was mainly the reason why she stayed and helped Barry. If not, she would've left a long time ago.
James went to the kitchen and asked,
"Yes, please."
"Isn't Star Labs, well...a science lab? Why do you have a criminal?"
"The thing is, when the accelerator exploded, it caused almost like a bomb of dark matter, which when some citizens got in contact with, gave them superhuman abilities. We classify them as meta-humans."
"Interesting," he commented, came back to the living room, and handed a coffee cup to Caitlin who thanked him.
"So, I'm guessing your criminal is a meta-human?"
"Right. We work closely with the police department, it is our fault anyways," and he nodded. "The thing is, we think he's hiding something and he won't reveal it, as one of the best criminologists, I thought we could use your help." She said, secretly crossing her fingers, hoping he agrees.After a while of thinking he said,
"Okay, I guess I'll come."
Meanwhile, Savitar ran to France, took a break at a small shop, and knocked on Renée's house door. However, unlike Caitlin's civil encounter, a women opened the door and was quick to ask him what he was doing and who he was.
"You're not from around here." She stated.
"Woah, I'm here 'cause I need your help."
She was suspicious, and didn't invite him in. With a hand on her hip, she said,
"You have 5 minutes, hun."
Savitar smirked, "are you challenging me?"
She got a bit closer and said, "5 minutes."
"Okay, bonjour? I'm from America and we're testing a clinical trial. Your name came up and I'm here to bring you, huh, that only took like 5 seconds."
"Que? I didn't sign up for a clinical trial!"
"It's for Alzheimer's. If I'm not mistaken, your mom passed from the disease."
She came closer and held her hand to his throat. Even for a speedster, she was strong.
"How do you know that?"
"I-I can't talk..." and she let go.
"Désolé, I get sensitive about my mére," she said in a thick French accent.
"I get it. When your mom passed, she was in America, right?" He asked and she nodded."Right, as her only daughter, you have a possibility of the disease."
She sighed, "oui, I know,"
"The clinical trial my team is testing is trying to prevent Alzheimer's from forming in the first place. You'd be doing a huge favor by helping us, so do you wanna come?"
She hesitated and then broke out in a smile, "sure."Since Barry and Savitar couldn't expose their secret, they had to come back on a plane, while James stayed at Caitlin's and Isaac stayed at Cisco's house.
A few days later, Renée, Ryan, and Isaac sat in the lounge room, Team Flash were in the cortex.
"Do you think they know each other?" Iris asked.
"Doubtful." Cisco replied.
"Where's Caitlin?" As soon as Barry finished asking the question, Caitlin walked in, laughing with James Greenway.
Barry glanced at Savitar who seemed to have a stone cold poker face.
"Hey guys," she said excitedly, "this is James, a criminologist, here to help with Nick, as you know. James, this is Iris and Barry, who are getting married next month.
"Wow, congratulations." James said shaking their hands.
"My best friend and mechanical engineer, Cisco."
"Nice to meet you."
"Back right at ya." Cisco fist bumped James.
"And Savitar. A new member."
James went to shake his hand, but Savitar shook his head and said, "sorry, germaphobe."
"That's fine. Cool scar. You look exactly like..."
"Barry? Yeah, we're twins."
"Interesting. You guys seem to be like polar opposites."
"Come on James, I'll show you around the lab. I know you were excited about Harrison Wells, well he's come up with a lot of new inventions..." They left the cortex, excited."Damn. Harrison Wells? What do you think she told him?" Iris questioned.
"Knowing Caitlin, she told him everything, but left out the questioning stuff," Cisco replied.
Iris turned to Savitar and asked him if he was jealous.
"What? No, why would I be?"
"God, you make it so obvious."
He rolled his eyes, "I'm going to Rector's Bar.
After a few shots of vodka, he went to leave when he bumped into someone else.
"What the hell?" The guy turned around to face Savitar, who was in no mood to talk.
He sped toward the man and pushed him against a wall with a hand tightly wrapped around his throat.
"Next time, just walk around, got it?" The man nodded his head rapidly and when Savitar released him he helplessly ran off.

You & I The Flash
Romance|The Flash Fan Fiction| In the season 3 finale of the CW show, The Flash, Barry Allen is seen offering Savitar friendship. Instead of running away, what if Savitar agrees? In this story, Savitar slowly becomes a member of Team Flash and the kind he...