Chapter 16

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"Yep. This is definitely weird," Cisco got up from examining the books and turned toward the team.
"So what do we know?" Barry asked.
"Well," Cisco said, "there is absolutely no evidence that they know one another, but we can suspect that Nick was the one that gave them the books."
"Talking about the books," Savitar continued, "they're all elemental. Each book has is about each element, air, fire, water, and earth." 
"So what does that mean, exactly?" Iris questioned.
"Well, based on the books," Cisco answered, "the magic of four elements run through four people who pass it on generation after generation. But after the first few centuries, people stopped using magic, due its dangers so the generations after had magic in them and just go their entire lives not knowing."
"Centuries?" Joe questioned astonished and Cisco nodded,
"Magic has apparently been going on forever. This is bigger than metas."
"How did Caitlin not find this out when she took tests from everyone?"
"I mean technically they are human, I doubt we could tell they were magical by blood samples."
"So you're telling me there's only four magical humans in the world?" Iris questioned.
"No," Savitar answered, "but these four are the strongest. Millions have magic within their bodies, but they only have a fraction of power as the original four."
"So, this was all apart of his plan. Kidnapping Caitlin in the beginning, getting captured, asking for our help, all of it." Iris concluded and everyone stayed silent. No matter how much they try to see the good in others, some people just can't be changed.
Savitar who was reading the air book, stood up suddenly and pointed at a spell.
"Cisco, look. A spell that can turn things invisible."
"Okay? How does this-"
Savitar sighed, "think about it. If you were a villain who needed to escape the country and you had a girl who could turn absolutely anything invisible..."
Cisco's eye widened, "I'd want her to turn a plane invisible."
"Exactly. He said he needed the four and Cait to resurrect Stephanie. Our best guess is that he's going to where he's wife's body is." Savitar answered.
"But we already checked his house," Iris said.
"The body's probably not even in his house," Barry intervened, "I mean it has been a year and a half, to keep her body from decomposing, he'd have to keep her frozen, in cold temperature."
"He's a scientist, maybe he has some sort of lab?"
"Joe! That's genius. Hold on," Cisco typed away and in a few minutes he yelled, "yes!"
"What'd you find?" Savitar asked eagerly.
"He has a lab in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It's remote and super cold, the perfect place. The lab is almost close to absolute zero, I can't believe I didn't catch that before. And after two days, he should've gotten there."
"Okay then what are we waiting for?" "Hold on, Savitar. Your suits won't be able to withstand the temperature. Let me try to see what I can do with them."
Savitar went to the medical bay and sat down with his hands on his head. Seeing this, Joe entered the room.
"We'll get her back. We'll get them all back." Savitar looked up and sighed.
"We're just so close, but I know Nick. He's not stupid. Something just tells me wer already too late."
"Look," Joe said as he sat down next to him, "when the rest of the team wanted you to join the team, I'll be honest, I hated the idea."
"You didn't try and hide it either."
Joe smiled, "I didn't. To me, you were a monster who wanted to kill all the people I care about, but you've showed me time and time again that I misjudged you. I've seen the way you go above and beyond to prove that you're a good person, but guess what? You don't need to prove anything. You care. About us, others. Caitlin. And we know it. We will get her back, we always do."
"Thanks Joe. You know, your daughter gives speeches just like you." They smiled at each other.
"I'm glad to hear that," he patted Savitar's lap and left the room.
Savitar took out his phone and scrolled through pictures of when him and Caitlin went to a museum. It was boring, but he liked the way her face lit up when she taught him about the different historical events. In that moment, he wished he had fixed their issues a lot more sooner. He realized it was better to get into a relationship and figure things out along the way, rather than denying everything. He sighed when Cisco's voice pulled him back to reality.
"Your speedster powers can withstand cold the average human can't. However, absolute zero is a whole other situation. I added tech to your suit that can keep you safe, but only for a few minutes. Get in. Save them and get out."
Barry and Savitar nodded and went out. After a few minutes of running, Savitar was right outside of the lab and waited for Barry to catch up.
"I hate that your still faster than me." Savitar smirked,
"I told you I'd train you."
"Cisco? Hello?" Savitar called into the intercoms but heard no answer.
"Guess it disconnected," he shrugged.
"Probably 'cause of distance. Okay, do we enter from the front or back?"
"While you were running here, I had the time to do a full sweep. There's a back entrance, but I feel like that would be too easy."
"The front would be too. Why don't you go from the front and I'll come through the back. There's only one floor anyways."
Savitar nodded and entered the lab. It was freezing, and he started to vibrate to get warmer.
He saw Caitlin along with the four others all tied on the chairs, just like he saw in the video.
The only difference was that none of them were awake and they all looked paler than a ghost. There were buckets filled up with blood and blood leaked from their hands. His heart beat faster and he looked at Barry for support.
Barry looked at Savitar and reminded him, "get in and get out." Savitar ran toward the chairs and took the cold bodies of Ryan and James out of the lab, while Barry did the same with the Isaac, and Renee. Savitar returned to get Caitlin and as he ran out the lab, a voice stopped him.
"You're not staying?" They looked back to the voice of the villain himself, Nicholas Lockhart.

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