Barry dropped Caitlin off home and looked at her worried.
"Don't give me that look," she sighed.
"Sorry. Are you going to be okay?"
"I'll be fine. Thanks," she tried her best to smile. Barry hugged her and turned to leave when she called out,
"Hm?" He turned to face her.
"Savitar, he doesn't have a place to sleep, can you, um...."
"Don't worry. I'll figure something out," he smiled and reassured her.
Barry ran back to the warehouse, only to see it drowned in flames with a figure looking at it from the outside.
"Savitar, why'd you burn it down?"
"Why are you here?" Savitar said in a low growl and Barry could tell how hurt he was.
"Because Caitlin asked me to see if you're okay."
He didn't say anything for a moment and replied, "I should've burned it down a long time ago."
"Where are you gonna sleep?"
"I can take care of myself Barry. I'll find a way," and with that, he ran off.
Barry sighed and went home exhausted.
"Hey," Iris beamed from the couch, but after seeing Barry's face she turned the TV off and patted the seat next to her.
"I'm guessing tonight's quest didn't go so well?"
Barry explained everything that had happened that night and Iris frowned.
"Wow. But honestly, I get why Caitlin lashed out. I mean, she's been through a lot. After Ronnie, Ray, and even Frost, her heart's been broken way too many times," she said, feeling sad for her friend.
"But, Savitar's also a victim, in a way, you know? I mean he's lived in a timeline where everyone he loved died or abandoned him. I get what he feels, if I never had you, maybe I would've been a lot like him."
"They'll find their way to one another, I wouldn't worry about it. Come, let's go to sleep."Caitlin opened her door to see Cisco sleeping on the couch, but at the sound of the creaking door, he woke up and yawned.
"Oh, you're here. Look Savitar, he-"
"I know."
"I called, but you left your phone here."
"Cisco," Caitlin said, "I don't know what to do," she shrugged and looked at him with tears filled in her eyes. She was mad at how many times she's cried that night alone, but couldn't help it.
"Oh, c'mere," Cisco said as he brought her into a hug. They sat on the couch with her head on his chest and she cried quietly before falling asleep.
Cisco felt bad for his friend, if anything. He understood where Savitar came from, but seeing his best friend broken, he couldn't help but be angry at the man who caused this.
Cisco patted Caitlin's back as he remembered the first time he met her at Star Labs. She was newly engaged to Ronnie and was as happy as she could be. There wasn't a time where she wasn't smiling, and then as the particle accelerator exploded, her life did too. However, he couldn't deny how happy she was with Savitar, the same smile she had before all this madness; a smile he never thought he would see again. He silently wished that the two would make up and be happy. For both their sakes.
The next morning, Cisco drove Caitlin to Star Labs and while in the car, he asked her,
"How are you doing with everything?"
"I-I feel bad for yelling at him, do you think I overreacted?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "it's how you felt at the time. It's better to unleash your feeling than keeping them tucked in until it just bursts."
They walked into the cortex to see Barry, Iris, Joe, and Savitar.
Caitlin glanced over at him when he wasn't looking and quietly made her way to the medical bay.
"So far, we know that his wife died, like he said frozen. But not like she was in a ice cube or anything," Joe explained what he had found at CCPD.
"Stephanie Lockhart's nerves were frozen solid."
"Ah, and without the oxygen flowing through the respiratory and circulatory systems, she died due to lack of oxygen. In a way, when Nick kissed her, it was like he absorbed all her body heat." Cisco finished.
"Right. Her body's buried at the local cemetery. It's only been a year and a half."
"What we know so far is that he's using the atom replacer to get rid of his powers, so when he gets her back, he won't be able to hurt her," Barry stated.
"How is he going to bring her back, though?" Iris questioned.
"Why don't we just help him," Savitar shrugged. "That's your guys' thing, right? Helping people, no matter what?"
Iris gave him a look and he looked down.
Just then, one of the computers beeped and Barry looked at Savitar for help.
"You go. You've done it alone all this time."
"What're you going to do?"
"I'm gonna go talk to our friend downstairs.""Ah. Savitar, you've become one of my most frequent visitors."
"Cut the bullsh*t."
"Ouch. Woke up on the wrong side of bed?"
"How are you going to resurrect Stephanie?"
Nicholas looked taken back at the sound of his love's name, but soon recovered.
"Wouldn't you like to know," he smirked.
"Tell me, you son of a b*tch," Savitar moved closer to the glass, seething in anger.
"Okay, okay," he smirked, "I need four people. Each with the power of life's elements. I need their blood." Savitar looked confused and before he could ask anything, Caitlin walked in and looked a bit embarrassed at the sight of Savitar.
"Hello love, lunch time I'm guessing?" Caitlin gave him food and walked toward Savitar to ask him if they could talk.
In the hallway, Savitar softened his gaze and said,
"I really am sorry. For breaking your trust and for hurting you."
"I-thank you, but I can't forgive you. Not yet, anyways."
"So, why'd you call me out here," he looked annoyed, which hurt her.
"Where'd you sleep last night?"
"Why do you care?"
"Savitar. Just tell me," she said with her hands on her hips.
He sighed, "a motel."
"How long are you going to sleep like that?"
"For however long I need to."
"Well. From now on, you're sleeping over at my house,"
"Caitlin," he rolled his eyes.
"It's not a request," and she walked away, leaving Savitar confused.

You & I The Flash
Romance|The Flash Fan Fiction| In the season 3 finale of the CW show, The Flash, Barry Allen is seen offering Savitar friendship. Instead of running away, what if Savitar agrees? In this story, Savitar slowly becomes a member of Team Flash and the kind he...