Chapter 10

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It'd been a few days since Savitar moved back in with Caitlin. His ego didn't like it, but his body was thankful for sleeping on a soft comfortable bed, instead of an old one at a suspicious motel. The two hadn't talked, unless absolutely necessary. It was awkward for them and the Team.

That Friday afternoon, Barry finished up his last few paperwork at CCPD and went to leave.
"Merry Christmas!" He smiled at Captain Singh who merely waved him off but slightly curled his lips upward.
He returned to the apartment to see Iris trying to zip up a dress.
"Ah, good, you're here! A little help, please?" He smiled and rushed over to zip it up.
"Always my hero," she turned around to kiss him playfully.
Barry took a moment to look over his fiancée in a dazzling tight green dress.
"Well? How is it?" She turned around.
"All I can say is that I can't wait to make you my wife."
"Aww. Now go get ready, we can't be-" before she could finish, Barry ran and reappeared to her with a clean black button down shirt and tie.
Iris rolled her eyes while Barry smiled. 
Barry took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Iris,
"Merry Christmas!"
"Barry..." she opened the box which revealed a golden bracelet with a small purple lightening charm.
"I know how much you loved being a speedster and I thought this would be a way to cherish it."
"I hate you." She laughed and he looked surprised.
"Because, every single year, you always get the better present."
"Oh stop, I'm sure I'll love whatever you got me."
"I love you," she went under their Christmas tree and took out a wrapped present.
He unwrapped it,
"A photo album! Iris, I love it," he said as he kissed her.
"I got some pictures from Dad and added some more. There's plenty of empty slots, since-"
"We have our whole lives ahead of us?" He finished her sentence and she smiled.
"Ready to go, babe?" He said as took out a rose from a nearby vase and gave it to her.
"Sure, but we're not running, my hair can't be messed up."

They arrived at Joe's for the evening Christmas party and found him on a stool trying to finish setting up the lights along the ceilings.
"Dad? What're you doing?"
Joe looked surprised at them and looked at his watch.
"God, I can't believe it's already 6! Barry, can you?" He gestured around and Barry smiled.
Within seconds, the living room had transformed to a very colorful, bright party hall.
"Sorry guys, I got caught up."
"With Cecile, I'm guessing?"
Joe flustered and apologized.
"It's okay dad, Christmas is about love after all," Iris smiled mockingly and Joe rolled his eyes. As they continued to talk, a doorbell rang and Iris went to open it to find Caitlin.
"Hi! Wow, you look beautiful!" Iris referred to the knee-high tight sparkling red dress Caitlin wore.
"Aw, thank you, so do you, I love that necklace," she came in and looked around the house, "oh, looks like I'm early."
"No, it's just that no one shows up on time, c'mon, let me get you a drink." Caitlin greeted Joe and Barry and followed Iris to the kitchen.
"Hey, look, I, uh, I'm sorry." Iris said sadly as she poured champagne in a glass.
"Because, I might've, um, invited Savitar?"
"Oh," Caitlin did not like the idea of trying to avoid Savitar all night, but knew it was selfish to say anything out loud, "honestly, there's nothing to be worried about. He's your friend and apart of the team, he should be allowed to come."
"Really? You're okay with it?"
"Of course," Caitlin smiled and thankful, Iris gave her a big hug.
One by one, Cecile, Cisco, and Gypsy came over and the party was in full swing. About an hour later, the door bell rang.
Iris glanced at Caitlin who was now Frost, taking shots with Cisco and Gypsy. She smiled and went to open the door,
"An hour late? I had a feeling you wouldn't show up." She said with a hand on her hip.
"Honestly, I wasn't going to come," Savitar said, "but I had a feeling you'd kill me if I didn't show up, so here I am."
"Good choice," she playfully punched his arm, "and you brought gifts?"
He shrugged his shoulders in reply, as though it wasn't a big deal.
Everyone greeted Savitar with a smile as he entered even Frost. After a while, Iris clapped her hands and announced it was time to open presents. To save money, the Team had decided to do Secret Santa. After Joe, Cecile, and Gypsy had their turn, it was Iris'. Frost, thinking the whole idea was boring, transformed back to Caitlin.
"Ou," Iris said as she picked up a neatly wrapped present. She opened it to see a beautiful blue rhinestone flower hair clip, "oh my God, this is beautiful."
"Glad you like it," Caitlin smiled and Iris hugged her tightly, "you know what they say for weddings, something old, something new, something borrowed"
"Something blue, wow, Caitlin, I love you," Iris tear up and Caitlin laughed, knowing she already had way too many drinks. 

Caitlin picked up a small box with name on it next and opened it to see a small device that she had no idea how to work.
"It's a telepathic device," Cisco explained, "Dr. Wells and I worked on it for a while, wear this and you can communicate with Frost."
"Cisco...I-I don't know what to say, thank you." She hugged her best friend.
"You deserve it. Okay, now it's my turn," Cisco smiled and Savitar handed him a messily wrapped box.
"Wait, no way! Is this a new Vibe suit?" Cisco asked excitedly.
"Well, yeah. You worked really hard on my suit when you didn't have to, so I thought, why not repay you?" Savitar shrugged.
"This is so cool, man!"
Savitar turned to Barry,
"so I guess you got me."
"Yep, and I can't wait to look at your face when you open my present."

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