Chapter 22

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Caitlin's hands and feet shook and she couldn't believe what she had heard.
"You heard me. I will bring him back. Savitar."
Caitlin whispered, "you're lying.."
"You don't sound too sure about that," Nicholas smiled.
"No! No," Caitlin shook her head and turned toward the others, "he's lying. Send him to Iron Heights, I never want to see him again." She was more so convincing herself than the others.
"Caitlin," Barry said softly, "why don't we just listen? We don't have to do anything he says, but it doesn't hurt to listen."
"It does hurt to listen, Barry! Do you know what he's proposing? Savitar, coming back to life! You want me to listen to him while he's spitting out lies? He just wants us to help him bring back Stephanie, and when she's back, they'll be gone without brining back Savitar! This always happens and you know it. "
Barry didn't say anything, but Caitlin sighed.
"Sorry. I-okay. I'll listen."
"You don't have to-"
"No," she turned around and faced Nick, "you have two minutes."
"Why, thank you," he slapped his hands together, "well, you all know about the full moon coming up in 2 days,"
"Yeah, the moon contains a lot of energy, blah, blah, blah, what part of two minutes don't you get?" Cisco questioned.
Nicholas smiled, "okay, then. On the night of the full moon, I need to get my wife back, I'm not waiting any longer. And I do feel bad about Savitar, so I'm willing to bring him back as well."
"What's the catch?" Iris asked.
"Smart, you don't get the recognition you deserve, Ms. West. In exchange, all I'm asking for is the four very powerful witches."
"No way," Caitlin said quickly.
"Not even for Savitar?"
"It doesn't matter," she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Why?" he sighed, "It's just four little human lives, there's seven billion people out here in the world! No one's going to miss them."
"What do you mean miss them?" Iris asked and Barry's eyes widened.
"You were never going to let them live, were you?"
"That's not true, well kind of? I'm actually not sure."
"What were you even thinking?" Cisco asked confused.
"It's not like there's a step by step manual on how to bring back your frozen dead wife! I know the basics, most of it are from old folklore and legends."
"So what? You were going to experiment on them? Take as much blood as you want, it doesn't matter if they die?" Barry asked disgusted.
Nicholas shrugged,
"They're lives are insignificant compared to my wife's. They have no family, no one will care."
As the Team and Nick argued about the lives of four, Caitlin was in a world of her own.
"You're not actually thinking about it, are you?" Savitar appeared out of nowhere.
Caitlin looked around, no one was paying attention to her.
"Of course not. But, I mean..."
"I know. I know. It's wrong, but the chance to hold you. Even if it were for a second, Savitar. You have no idea what I'd give up to be with you."
"Caitlin Snow. You're a doctor. Every single life should matter to you."
"Of course and I'd never let him kill them, but if it were me he wanted, I wouldn't hesitate."
"You're down right crazy, you know. What's the point of coming back to life, if you weren't here with me?"
Caitlin rolled her eyes, "I don't just want to bring you back for me. All your life you've been broken, hurt and mad."
"Geez, got anything good?"
"But, you were happy, I saw it in your eyes. At Iris' party, when we went shopping, I just can't believe he took that all away."
"He was doing it out of love."
Caitlin raised her eyebrows, "are you justifying what he did?"
"No, but I know that if anyone were to hurt you, I'd kill them, I swear."
"Savitar..." she whispered, shocked.
"He just wants to be with his wife, he's not a bad guy, he just..."
"Doesn't know how to convey it?"
Savitar shrugged and kissed her on the forehead. She closed her eyes to be in the moment.
"Caitlin? Dr. Snow?" Nicholas' voice brought her back.
He was smiling,
"I'm guessing you were thinking about a life with Savitar, am I right? Wouldn't it be great to have him back?"
"Your two minutes are up and actually I was just thinking about a way to shut you up, and I got one."
He raised his eyebrows, "the only way I'll shut my mouth is if you give me what I want, so does this mean you agree? You'll give me my four?"
"No. We're going to let you go. For good."
"Caitlin?" Cisco asked.
She turned around to face the team and eyed for them to leave the medical bay. Outside, Barry asked,
"What are you doing?"
"Look. I know it sounds crazy. But he needs the four witches that we have. We can't afford to have him in the same building as them. We need to also remember that Nicholas is not a villain, he's just a husband who wants his wife back."
"And won't stop at anything to have his way, he'd even kill," Iris added.
"Right," Caitlin said, "but if we keep James, Renée, Isaac, and Ryan here, he'll never get what he wants. We won't let him."
The team glanced at one another and shrugged.
"It's not a bad idea. All we have to do is wait until the full moon is over, after that he'll give up," Cisco said.
"Why do you assume that?" Iris asked.
"Well, March 9th marks exactly one year after his wife died. Magic works in strange ways, the spell or whatever won't work after a year, I asked Ryan," Cisco replied and they all nodded.
Caitlin returned to the medical bay with the keys for the cuffs.
"You're really letting me go?" Nick asked, genuinely surprised.
"Your freedom in exchange for the lives of the four witches."
Nick grimaced in pain, but after some thought he agreed and Caitlin released him.
"I'm sorry. I really am, but when people are gone, they should stay gone. I hope you can realize that."
"Thanks Caitlin, but I always get what I want."
Nick smiled and went off.

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