Chapter 17

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Nicholas, Barry, and Savitar were right outside the lab. He glanced over at Caitlin and the four others on the ground a few feet away. The three seemed to be in the middle of a forest of some sort, away from prying eyes.
"What did you do to them?" Savitar gritted his teeth.
"Relax, I just drained a bit of their blood," he said casually.
"It looks like more than a bit."
"Why?" Barry asked.
"To make myself human, of course! Have you even been listening to me?" He held his chest like he was hurt and Savitar rolled his eyes.
"The thing is, the spell needs a bit more blood. I still need the four, so you can't take them just yet."
"Why take Caitlin, then?"
"She has the same powers I do! The spell requires the power of the person who murdered the victim, and I won't be able to do it as I'll be fully human."
"Sorry, that's not happening," Barry interfered, "you lied to us and used our friend. This is not happening, not on my watch.
Nicholas sighed, "give me some credit. Do you know how hard it was to wait until you were ready to help me?"
"Then why not just do it all by yourself?" Barry questioned.
"Because Flash," he mocked, "I don't have super speed, I can't get to 4 locations by the next full moon."
"Full moon?"
Nicholas rolled his eyes, "the full moon. Occurs every few weeks, but we never pay much attention to it, do we? In reality the full moon gives out so much magical energy, almost every difficult spell is done with it present."
"You can take Caitlin, I'm done with her, I just need the others for a bit longer, I won't kill them. Promise."
"Again we say, no."
"Okay fine. I guess I just have to get them the harder way. Don't forget that I tried to do this peacefully."
"Good, I was tired of talking anyways." Savitar smirked.
Nick was quick to send icicles their way, but the speedsters rapidly dodged every attack.
Savitar threw a lightening bolt at Nick, but he was froze it in midair.
Just as the fight reached its peak, with none of the opponents seeming to lose, a voice distracted all three of them.
"Savitar? Barry?" Caitlin seemed to have woke up from the concussion, which none of them realized until she called out.
"Caitlin, dear, glad to have you back."
"Don't," she closed her eyes in anger of all the things Nick had done to her. The way he used her and how she trusted him in the first place. Her hair was quick to transform to a white blond and when Caitlin opened her eyes it was an icy blue.
"Killer Frost." Nick whispered in  astonishment, but before he could say more, Caitlin's other half threw three icicles toward him, one which caught him by surprise and seeped through his thigh.
"They call me Frost, now. Thank God for Caity's cloths," she said as she looked down at the black leather jeans and matching black denim jacket.
"What're you waiting for?" She taunted the speedsters who stared at her in shock.
Weakened, Nick was a bit more easier to fight and while Barry dealt with him, Savitar pulled Frost behind a tree and said,
"Can I talk to her?"
"Seriously? Right now?"
She rolled her eyes but let Caitlin take the wheel.
"Cait..." Savitar whispered in disbelief.
Finding her after searching for what seemed like forever, he didn't know how to react, but she did. Caitlin threw herself at Savitar and kissed him passionately, he was shocked at first, but then deepened the kiss.
"Savitar," her voice cracked as hugged him tightly.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry it took so long for us to find you. I hope he didn't hurt you," he broke up the hug to look at her in the eyes.
"Don't apologize. I'm the one who should apologize. When Nick kidnapped me, and drew my blood, I thought I was going to die, I was sure of it. But the thought of dying without telling you how I feel..." she bit her lip.
"Hey. It's okay," he said as he cupped her cheek, "we're going to go back to Central City and I'm gonna make it up to you by giving you the night of your life," he smirked and she blushed.
Before she could reply, Caitlin transformed to Frost,
"Sorry to break up your sweet little reunion, but there's still an evil maniac we have to defeat. Do this lovey dovey stuff when I'm asleep."
"Good to have you back, Frost," Savitar smiled and they went back to the scene.
"There you guys are," Barry said relived.
"Sorry!" Savitar shouted back.
"I got this," Frost said as she and Nick went head to head on trying to defeat one another.
"Ice versus ice, now this is a fair fight."
"Barry!" Savitar shouted to him from across the field and in a second Barry was at his side.
"Take Frost and the others. Get Cisco's breach device and get out of here. It's them that he wants and he's suspiciously strong, I bet he's using magic, we can't beat him."
"What about you?"
"Don't worry, I'll be right behind you."
"Then you and Frost go, I'll distract him."
"Barry!" Savitar rolled his eyes, "I'm faster than you, there's a higher chance of me running to the breach before you," Savitar smirked while Barry frowned.
"It's too dangerous. Let's find another way."
"Barry. Don't worry, I've fought worse."
"Like you said, he has magic on his side, we don't know what he's capable of."
"Just go on my count, okay?"
After a bit of hesitation, Barry agreed.
"Heyo! Nick!" Savitar sped up to him and punched him the face so hard he fell to the side.
Taking this opportunity, Savitar shouted, "go!"
Barry took Frost's hand and lead her to the four bodies still lying on the floor. After he explained the situation to her, Frost looked back at Savitar who smiled at her. They each took two bodies and Barry opened a breach in front of them. He lightly threw the bodies through the breach and yelled back to Savitar,
"Let's go!"
Savitar, who was about to run back, gasped and looked down to his chest to see a icicle through his heart.

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