On the day of the full moon, everyone was anxious. Nick had left two days ago and there had been no trace of him since then.
Some members of the team believed he's changed, while others were more hesitant. James, Renée, Isaac, and Ryan were at CCPD with extra care from Joe and his officers. Cisco had gone with Joe for extra security measures while Barry was out running around the city, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
"I feel bad for them," Iris said, "they've only just recently discovered who they are and now they're spiraled into this mess of our lives."
"Yeah," Caitlin agreed, "but after today, it's safe to say that they can all go back to their lives with their loved ones."
"Speaking of loved ones, how have you been, with Savitar and everything?"
"Honestly? It's so hard, I try and let go, I want to accept the fact that he's...gone, but it's hard, you know," Caitlin shrugged.
"I get it. Every time Barry gets injured or fights with some evil speedster, my heart stops a little. I don't know what I'd do without him. I can only imagine how you feel."
Caitlin smiled at her, "so, your wedding's only a few weeks away."
"I know," Iris beamed, "everything's pretty much ready. But I feel like with our luck, I don't know," she frowned and Caitlin put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Barry ran in and paper from the desks fell on the floor.
"Hey babe," Iris went to kiss him and he smiled.
They pulled away and Barry said,
"There doesn't seem to be anything in the city, and I couldn't find Nick at his house."
"That's fine. As long as he's not at CCPD," Caitlin took a deep breath.
"Hey, Caitlin. We're all worried but it's okay. We just have to get through this night," he comforted her and she smiled.
"Wait...don't you guys have a meeting with your wedding planner?"
"Yes," Iris replied, "but we'll just tell Phoebe to reschedule, we can't leave you alone. Not today."
"What? No way. I can take care of myself. Plus I have Frost, now go," Caitlin said and made a shooing motion.
"Are you sure?" Barry asked and she nodded.
Barry and Iris walked out of Star Labs and he turned to his fiancée and asked,
"Should we run or drive?"
Iris thought carefully and said, "run, we're already a bit late," and he smiled.
Planning a wedding with a meta human can be difficult, but for Barry and Iris, it was just one more obstacle they had to face. They were the dream team, they always found balance and absolutely nothing could stand in their way.
Back in the cortex, Caitlin sat down quietly when Savitar appeared.
"Is it that noticeable?"
"Try and take a deep breath, okay? Breath in," he inhaled and Caitlin followed his motions, "and out," he repeated it a few times, "see? Feel better?"
"Definitely. Thanks."
Just then she got a signal from the breach room. She arrived to see Earth-2 Harrison Wells.
"Ah, Dr. Snow. Where is everyone?"
"Harrison Wells? Well, we're kind to of in the middle of...I'll explain later. What're you doing here?"
"The wedding? That's tomorrow, come on Snow, I thought you were smarter than this."
"Dr. Wells, the wedding isn't for another 3 weeks."
"Oh. Well, I do like to be early so."
Caitlin narrowed her eyes,
"But you knew that, didn't you? Why are you early?"
"What? No, it was just a genuine mistake!"
"Okay, fine!" He sighed, "I just...I wanted to see the team again."
"Why? Is there anything wrong on Earth-2?" At this point Caitlin was just teasing, but Harrison Wells didn't catch on.
"No. No, everything's fine."
"You're really going to make me say it? Urgh, I miss the Team. Happy?"
"Very," she smiled and went to hug him.
"Where is West-Allen? Ramon?"
In the lounge after a few hours and a couple of drinks later, Caitlin had finally recounted everything that had happened.
"It's only been a few months, but it really feels like 3 years."
"Wow. I believe you've left me speechless, for the very first time, congratulations, Snow. I'm sorry for your loss. I wish I got to see Savitar."
"Thank you, you two would've been something," she smiled, "how's Jesse been?"
"Oh, well you know, young adults. I try to discipline her, she goes out and does the opposite of everything I tell her."
"For such a wise man, it's...interesting to know that your weakness is children."
"What is it? Ganging up on Wells Day?"
"You need to let go a bit, she needs some freedom."
"I know, it's just incredibly difficult with her speed. One second she's with me and the next, she's in California."
"That, well. I can't help with that, you have to ask Barry," she shrugged.
"But, what you said about magic, now that's interesting, I haven't heard about that one before."
"Oh," she got up and rumbled through a stack of papers in the cortex and came back, "here. These are the four books we found corresponding to the four elements of life. The spells in the beginning are easy and as you go through the books, they get harder."
"My question is, aren't all these meta human powers, well, aren't they apart of this magic in a way."
"Not necessarily, these metas were made by human interference, and we can easily tell by their blood cells. But the four, they're human with magic running in their veins."
"Interesting, and now this, what's his name?"
"Yes, Nick, he wants to kill them?"
"No, but he's willing to go that far to get his wife back."
Harrison Wells sighed,
"Well, enough with that. How are your powers?"
"Great! Frost is like a part of me now and we get..." her eyes shut and opened in blue, "howdy, Wells," Frost popped up and Caitlin reappeared, "along great."
"You didn't notice, how she just appeared?"
"She did? I can't really tell. But we do telepathically connect with the help of your device, of course."
Just then Cisco voice sparked through the intercom.
"Hello? Anyone?"
"Dr. Wells? What are you-okay, we don't have time for this."
"Cisco, what's wrong?" Caitlin asked worried.
"Caitlin, we got a problem, a Jack Frost related problem."

You & I The Flash
Romance|The Flash Fan Fiction| In the season 3 finale of the CW show, The Flash, Barry Allen is seen offering Savitar friendship. Instead of running away, what if Savitar agrees? In this story, Savitar slowly becomes a member of Team Flash and the kind he...