Chapter 18

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"Nooo! No, no, no!" Frost, who transformed to Caitlin shouted in tears and ran to Savitar as he lay on the ground. The white snow quickly turned a bright red.
"You didn't think I'd fight two speedsters without a little help, did you know?" Nick smiled and Caitlin looked at him with anger burning through her eyes.
"What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing! I just want to see my wife, I hope now you know what that feels like. Go on, take him home. There's still a few days until the full moon. I'll get what I want," and with that, he casually walked back to the lab.
Caitlin looked at Savitar's pale face and held his body in her arms with his head against her chest.
Barry walked up to her in utter disbelief. She looked up at him and cried,
"Barry! Look." He put a hand on her shoulder and softly said,
"Come. Let's bring him home. Cisco will know what to do. He always does."
Barry carried Savitar home with Caitlin following.
As they brought Savitar's body to the cortex, there was a heavy silence that surrounded the room.
Barry set Savitar on the bed in the medical bay and everyone followed.
Caitlin was silent, her face emotionless and hand bloody. Although everyone saw that she was back, no one acknowledged her, they could tell her mind was elsewhere.
Iris was the first one to break the silence,
"What, um, what happened?"
Barry, who was still in shock, turned to his fiancée and glanced at Caitlin in a worried expression.
"He, we were trying to leave....he distracted Nick who, just," Barry sighed, "Nick stabbed him."
"What about his super healing? He'll be okay right?"
"The icicle was stabbed right in the heart," Caitlin said unemotionally, "there's no pulse, hasn't been for 20 minutes." She sat down near Savitar looked directly at his lifeless body.
"Caitlin..." Cisco said softly, but she didn't respond. The team glanced at each other.
"There has to be some way to fix this," Cisco muttered and left the medical bay.
Barry and Iris glanced at each other. Iris, sensing how broken Barry was, held his hand and took him home while Caitlin sat there her hands intertwined with Savitar's cold pale hands.
At their apartment, Barry laid on Iris' lap on the couch.
Iris slowly ran her hands through his hair, neither had a way to comfort each other, so they held on to one another, unable to form words.
After a while, Barry got up and faced Iris.
"I don't get it Iris, I don't understand how he-he's gone. It was so sudden. One second, he was smiling and the next, all I see is blood."
"I know, Barry," was all she could muster.
"He hated how we looked the same and always said we were nothing alike, but when, when he had that icicle through his heart," Barry looked at Iris with teary eyes, "Iris, I felt a stab in my heart, too. He didn't deserve this."
"He died a hero, Barry."
After Barry fell asleep, Iris, who couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried, got up and went toward the apartment window.
She looked at the city's skylines and remembered a distant memory she had....

"Have you ever been to a different country, hell, have you ever been outside of Central City?" Savitar asked her and as Iris shook her head, he laughed,
"God, you're missing out on so much!"
"Shut up. Like you've been places!"
"There's so much about me you don't know about," he said secretly and she cocked her eyebrows.
"Listen, for your honeymoon, you have to got to Bora Bora. The water is as clear as crystal and there's something about the crisp fresh air."
"I'd love to see it, I wish. It's hard to leave Central City when your husband-to-be is the city's guardian."
"Pfft. Seriously? You have Cisco, Caitlin, and your dad. I'm sure they can take care of the city for a few weeks. And hey, if something happens, I'll come in and save the day, I promise, only if you promise to go to Bora Bora."
She laughed, "who knew the great Savitar was so fun to be around?"
He shrugged and they cheered two beer bottles.

Iris snapped back to reality, crying harder than she had ever cried.
She called Joe, "dad?" Her voice cracked.
"Hey honey," Joe immediately recognized that something was wrong and asked her, "what's wrong?"
"Savitar, he's-he's dead."

Back at the lab, it had been two hours since Savitar's heartbeat had vanished and Caitlin, afraid to officially lose him, froze his body from decomposition.
Cisco came in and sat next to her. At first there was just silence, until Caitlin spoke up.
"When I was kidnapped, he was the only one I thought of," she said without moving her eyes from Savitar's body, "I was going to die, but I was worried about how I would die without telling him I love him."
"He was here day and night, restless searching for you," Cisco reassured her.
She looked at him and the tears she had tried so hard to hide, came flowing down.
"I was mad at him for being a monster and now...he died a bigger hero than all of us," she sobbed and Cisco was quick to hold her to his chest.
"I can't believe I was mad at him for so long, all that time we had together, wasted."
"Hey. You had a right to be mad and he proved you wrong."
"What did I do wrong, Cisco? Why do the people I love die? I-I, he told me he'd be with me tonight. How am I going to go to sleep, knowing the man I love won't be there with me?"
Cisco didn't know what to say, no matter how much Caitlin Snow helped others, the universe never seemed to help her. She sobbed through the hours and he held on to her.

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