Chapter 26

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Caitlin woke up with a groan and went to get up when Savitar's arm pulled her back to bed. "Stay a little longer."
"Savitar! We have to get to work."
"Being a bad guy was so much more fun."
"It always is," a frosty voice responded.
"Glad to have you back, Savitar." She smiled and before he could respond, Caitlin reappeared.
"I promised Iris and Barry to focus on their wedding. Now that you're back, we can use you to save the city when Barry's not around."
"Is that the only reason your brought me back? To save a city?"
"You know that's not true, now get up."

A week went by, and it was time for the big, anticipated wedding of the year.
Iris' stylist was fixing her hair while the bridesmaids stood beside her excitedly.
"Why do I feel like I'm more nervous than the actual bride. I mean so many things can wrong. There's a room filled with a bunch of meta humans for crying out loud." Felicity rambled on about the chances of failure until Kara exclaimed,
"Oh, right. Sorry, Iris. I'm just gonna get a drink. Or two, just to be safe."
"I'll go make sure she doesn't get herself into any trouble." Kara followed her out the door.
"So, how do you feel?" Caitlin asked excitedly.
"I'm so happy, I just can't believe we really made it, you know? If I can describe how happy I am, then I'll start crying."
"We don't want that!" The stylist exclaimed.
"After everything, Barry and Iris finally made it. I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks, Caitlin, that means a lot coming from you."
In the church, Savitar found a seat next to Cisco and Harrison Wells.
"I've never seen Snow so happy." Well stated.
"Okay?" Savitar questioned, a bit uncomfortable.
"But, if you were once like Barry, wouldn't you have feelings for Iris?"
"Wells!" Cisco exclaimed.
"That's the thing. I'm not Barry, I'm my own person and I love Caitlin."
"Ah. So you do love her. Have you told her that?"
"What?" Before Savitar could ask what he meant, a song started to play, and the big doors opened to reveal Iris and her bridesmaids.
Barry started to tear up at the look of Iris, the girl he was in love with from before he could remember.
Iris, angelic in her huge white gown with small sparking crystals and a deep neckline walked in hand with her father and was overjoyed that this was reality; a year ago, she thought she was going to die, now she was going to be a wife. Joe handed Iris off to Barry, she handed her bouquet to Caitlin and grasped her hands in Barry's.
The pastor went on to say his blessings and said, "you may now say your vows."
Barry smiled,
"I'll try and keep this short as possible. Iris West, everyone in this room knows how much I love you. Even before I knew what the word meant, I have loved you and I promise I always will, no matter what. Our lives are crazy and no matter what happens, I know at the end of the day I get to go to bed with you in my arms, and that's the best part."
Iris' eyes became watery and she tried to fan herself, "Barry Allen, I may have been clueless of your love before, but deep down, no matter what came in our way, it was always you and I." Caitlin glanced at Savitar who was looking back at her.
"You keep me safe, and I love how much you love. The way you love your family. Friends. The city. Me. All of it, and I hope you always keep that love with you."
After a few minutes, the pastor said the words they were all waiting for, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may seal your love with a kiss."
The couple shared a short and sweet kiss while everyone celebrated.
Iris and Barry had their first dance and after everyone ate, Joe said some words.
To everyone's surprise, Savitar stood up and tapped a fork against his glass for a toast.
"Uh, I'd like to make a toast, kind of a last minute thing. Um," he glanced around the room second guessing his choice when he saw Iris and Barry giving him a encouraging smile.
"Right, so many of you probably know me as the guy who looks like Barry except for the huge scar on his face, and I honestly don't give a-I mean I don't care. I just wanted to use this opportunity to thank Barry and Iris. Barry, because he inspired me to love," he smiled at Caitlin who blushed, "and Iris because even though I tried to kill her, multiple times, she's been one of my best friends. They're both disgustingly nice and I'm actually thankful for their surprising ability to forgive and forget easily. So, this is for Barry and Iris, one of the most perfectly imperfect couples." He raised his glass and everyone cheered.

After the eventful day they had, Caitlin and Savitar went home and watched some Netflix movies, wrapped around in a blanket. After a few minutes into the movie, Savitar leaned close to Caitlin and whispered to her hear, "I'm bored."
"How? It's only been a few moments, you're not even giving the movie a chance!"
"I'm not really in the mood for a movie," he said in a low voice that sent a shiver up her spine.
She set the remote down and turned her face so she could look right at him and smiled, "so what are you in the mood for?"
"You," he whispered as he started kissing down her neck and although she wanted to resist, she couldn't stop the urge to be in his arms.
"I love you."
He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her,
"Of course, I do."
"Cait, I love you, too. More than words can describe. It's always been you and I."
"I promise it always will be."
She captured his lips in hers and fell back on the couch with him on top of her and laughed. She ran her hands through his hair, never wanting the moment to end and for the first time in a long time, Caitlin and Savitar were happy.
That's it!
If you've made it this far, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏
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