Chapter 21

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Caitlin was so mad, she quickly turned to Frost.
"Joe, get Carla and Cecile out of her," she said and Joe obeyed. She turned to Nicholas and asked,
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Frost, glad to see you're doing well."
"You have five seconds, before I shoot a icicle in your eye."
Barry ran and pushed Nick against a nearby tree. He held out his vibrating hand,
"Do you know what a hand in the chest feels like?"
"Barry!" Iris shouted worried. Barry sighed and released him.
Nicholas pushed off the tree and straightened his collar; for an evil person, he wore very sophisticated clothing.
"Barry, huh. Thank you, Iris. You were the most rational one of the group."
"Don't even think about. I just don't want Barry to give you a swift death, you don't deserve that. I hope you rot in hell."
"Damn. What's got Team-Freakishly Peppy-Flash all grumpy," he mockingly frowned.
"Are you kidding me?" Joe asked, while Cisco replied,
"You killed Savitar!"
"Oh yeah," he said casually like he forgot, "oops?" He shrugged.
Frost pushed him down with wind, but Barry soon ran and stood in her way.
"What are you doing?" She seethed.
"What are you doing? You think killing him is going to bring back Savitar? It's not going to solve anything!"
"I'd listen to him, Frosty."
Frost glared at Nick, but stood down.
Barry turned to Nick,
"What do you want Nick?"
"I just want to pay my respects."
Frost rolled her eyes while Barry and Iris glanced at each other.
"You don't believe me, I get that. But I swear I never meant to kill him. I thought he couldn't be killed."
"You stabbed him in the heart. It stopped beating. Instantly," Cisco said, narrowing his eyes at Nicholas who looked genuinely shocked.
"I-well, it's just when I use my powers, it can get out of control sometimes, you know how that feels, right Frost?"
Frost quickly looked elsewhere, he was right. Emotions can take over her often, she's hurt a lot of people but she's never killed anyone.
"Barry?" Nick turned to him and Barry froze for a second.
"Don't you ever think about how easy, how fast, it would be to kill someone you hated? Who was it...oh yeah, Reverse Flash?"
Barry shook his head and smiled,
"We all get angry, it's what we choose to do with those emotions that make us who we are. Yeah, I get mad, that doesn't mean I go around killing people, it's not who I am. I surround myself with people I love," he glanced and Iris who smiled back.
"Don't you get it? That's the thing! I don't have people I can surround myself with. The only one I loved is gone. If you helped me bring her back, maybe Savitar wouldn't be gone. But that's the other thing," he turned around to Frost, "Caitlin, you'll never admit it, but you and I are a lot more a like than you'd like to admit. You know how it is to lose control, hurt your loved ones, you know how if feels to lose a loved one."
"Caity's nothing like you, bastard. And yeah she's hurting, but she'd never bring Savitar back if it meant hurting four innocent lives. You're situations may be similar, but she's nothing like you."
He laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Of course. You don't get it."
He walked over to Savitar's gravestone, took a rose out of his inner pocket, and set it down.
Suddenly, he started coughing and fell down. The others looked at each other in concern, then looked behind them to see Renée along with James, Ryan, and Isaac.
Renée turned her hand as though she was steering an invisible boat and Nick fell down synchronously.
Cisco, who went to get the meta dampening cuffs, threw them to Barry who ran to Nick and cuffed him.
Nicholas laughed, "so-all, all that talking, it-it was a distraction?"
"I meant what I said."

Back at the lab, Nicholas sat in the medical bay while the team was in the cortex.
"What are we going to do about him?" Caitlin, who transformed, asked.
"Well, we can't put him in the pipeline, he broke the glass. I'm still repairing that," Cisco said annoyed.
"Is it just me, or did he show some sort of remorse?" Caitlin asked softly.
"It was probably an act. He knew what he was doing when he stabbed Savitar."
As they were talking, the four witches came into the lab.
"Thank you for your help," Barry said.
"No problem," Isaac smiled.
"We were mad at all of you for lying to us, don't get me wrong," Renée started.
"But, we just...after what Caitlin had told us...." Ryan shrugged.
"Our lives had changed within days," Isaac explained, "but in a way, we're all grateful? I mean, none of us felt like we truly belonged before, but you guys helped us figure out who we really are."
"We thought it was only right to help. We'd do anything to put him down." James glared toward the medical bay and Nick just smiled back at him.
"So what're you planning?" Ryan asked.
"That's the thing, he broke our, I guess you could call it, meta cell." Cisco said and Renée raised her eyebrows.
"Maybe we could lock him up at Iron Heights?" Joe questioned.
"But we still need to talk to him, it's way too hard to get in and out of Iron Heights every time we need information," Barry stated and Joe nodded.
As everyone went about discussing, Caitlin slid out of the cortex for some fresh air.
In the lounge, she took a glass of wine and sat down next to Savitar,
"Why are you so miserable?" Savitar asked.
"Did being dead, I don't know, make you nicer or something?" Caitlin asked and he rolled his eyes.
"No, it's just that," she shrugged, "even on your burial, he still has to come and ruin it."
"Hey," Savitar said, he held her face in hands and although, she couldn't feel anything, Caitlin smiled, "don't give him that satisfaction."
Just then, Cisco's voice sparked through the telecom and Caitlin rushed to the cortex.
"What happened?" She asked and Cisco gestured to Nick who was smiling at Caitlin.
"Hello darling, I was just telling your friends here that I'd bring back your lover boy."

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