You can skip this little note if you want, but I reccomend you read it. So, this is going to be a Chapter about a few episodes that are partially important in Future. Don't think I'm running out of ideas, I have the next 5-7 chapters planned out but I don't really want to dump it all out already. I hope you can understand that (I don't mean anything bad, I just hope you know why I decided to not go right into the action just yet).
3rd Person P.O.V.
Steven is reading a book in the livingroom. Suddenly the sunlight stopped shining from the windows. Steven puts the book down and looks outside to find... the Human Zoo?
Steven got a call from the Communicator in his pocket. He answered it.
[Communicator] (Human) Greetings! Are you the Ste-van?
(Steven) Yes? It's pronounced Steven.
He remembered that human. He saw him in the Human Zoo.
(Steven) What are you doing here?
[Communicator] (Human) We took the Zoo's ship and made it a cruise ship. We remember you, Ste-van, you're the new human with the metal clothes. Where is your metal clothes anyway?
(Steven) Destroyed.
[Communicator] (Human) Oh, how unfortunate. Anyway, we'd love for you to come visit.
(Steven) I'll be there in a moment.
He hung up the Communicator.
At the Human Zoo
Steven walks through the entrance but there is no guards. It's so different now. As Steven walked around to find somebody, he finds the human he spoke to eariler.
(Human) Welcome! Follow me, Ste-van.
He followed the human. He was brought inside the Human Enclosure to see that not only are humans in there, there is also amethysts.
(Human) Welcome to out ca-ruise!
(Steven) It's so different here.
(Human) Humans have control of tue ship now while the amethysts laze around like delinquents all day. Did I say that right, Holly Blue?
Speaking of familiar faces, Steven saw Holly trying to order the amethysts.
(Holly Blue) Stop relaxing and get back to your posts! Ugh! How can you stand with this total lack of order?
(Amethyst Guard) Chill out, Holly Blue. You know you want to.
(Holly Blue) I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one. I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they talk about is Steven, Steven, Steven Universe! Oh, I'm so glad Zircon won the election, so that stupid brute is no longer to be the so-called Savior and is out of Homeworld.
(Steven) Just because I'm not Homeworld Savior anymore, doesn't mean I'm banned from Homeworld.
She turns around and flinches
(Holly Blue) Ahh! I'm sorry! I take it back! Please don't tell the Diamonds!
(Steven) I won't.
The amethysts were laughing at Holly Blue's reaction from Steven appearing behind her.
(Human) Ste-van, I have some sorcial friends who wish to meet you. Isn't that wonderful?
He leads Steven to a different part of the ship.
(Steven) They want to meet me?
(Human) Yes. It was they who wanted us to visit Earth.
He opens the door. Three Rose Quartzes step out. He looks past them to see more.