Winter Blooms

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*Modern day AU*

Alice was getting very tired of sitting by the window watching the snow fall. It had been fun last night when it was the first snow of the year and she and Alfred had sat drinking hot chocolate watching it fall but now it was morning and the snow was only falling lightly. They had stayed up till one-am watching the snow fall and although Alice was awake now Alfred was still in their shared room sleeping. The wall clock read 8:46 and Alice had been up for about fifteen minutes. She walked into the kitchen to start getting breakfast ready for her and Alfred. It was a Saturday morning with nothing to do but Alice had a plan for today. She began making pancakes and thinking about the coming holiday season and what gifts she would get for Alfred and her friends when she felt warm arms wrap around her and a quick peck on her cheek.

"You're up early."

Alfred said.

"So are you"

Alice said as she turned to kiss him. They shared a sweet, gentle kiss and enjoyed the quiet sweet moment for a bit before the pancake Alice was cooking started to burn and brought the two of them back into reality. Alice made the pancakes while Alfred set the table and made coffee. The two of them sat down and ate breakfast with the conversation being a loving argument with each of them insisting the other was better at cooking. They were just finishing up breakfast when Alice brought up her plan.

"Let's go play in the snow"

Alfred looked up from his coffee.

"It's been awhile since we last did that"

"It's been awhile since it last snowed."

Alice responded with a grin. Alfred smiled.

"Alright, after we finish our coffee we can go outside"

Alice quickly downed the rest of her coffee and went to the linen closet to get out their winter clothes. Alfred chuckled at the antics of his wonderful girlfriend and took their dishes to the sink. He joined Alice by the closet where she was reaching for a box on the top shelf labeled "Gloves and scarves." Alice (Being about five inches shorter than Alfred) could not reach the box even whilst on her tiptoes and soon became tired of trying. She turned to Alfred with puppy-dog eyes

"Alfie can you try to reach the box please?"

Alfred smiled


he responded. He got the box down and handed it to Alice. She thanked him and got out their scarves, draping them both across Alfred's shoulders with one hand and holding the box with the other. Alice retrieved their gloves from the box and held them proudly. Alfred of course had played wonderland with Alice often enough to know his line by heart.

"I believe you have my gloves?"

Alice smiled and giggled. She handed Alfred his gloves and grabbed her scarf from around his neck. They headed to their bedroom and got dressed then bundled up in their winter clothes. Alice practically ran out the front door dragging Alfred by his coat sleeve. The young couple stood outside marveling at the snow. Alfred looked around for a bit before Alice gasped in excitement.

"Alfie we should build a snowman!"

She said and clasped together her gloved hands. Alfred smiled at Alice.

"Sounds like a great idea"

He said. The couple began rolling up snowballs and about forty-five minutes later they had put the three snowballs together and were looking for small rocks to use for a face and sticks to use for arms. Alfred had just seen some sticks and was walking over to grab them when he felt something hit him in the back and fall apart. He turned around to see Alice with snowballs in each hand smirking at him. He smirked back and gathered some snow in his hand and started packing it into a ball. As he did Alice threw another snowball at him. He held up his snowball at the same time Alice held up hers.


She faked throwing the snowball at him.


She did it again.

"Don't you dare throw that snowba-goddamnit"

She giggled. Alfred held up his snowball and began chasing her around the yard. She shrieked playfully and ran away from him. Eventually he caught up to her and the couple tumbled to the ground in a fit of laughter as Alfred mashed the snowball into Alice's hair. They both lay there for awhile making snow angels and holding hands when Alice remembered the unfinished snowman and got up. She went to go look for rocks to make his face as Alfred went back to the sticks and took them over to the snowman. Soon Alice came over having found rocks and they finally completed their snowman. Their faces were numb and their noses runny but they both grinned happily as they went inside to warm up. They spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling  by the fireplace and reading their favorite book together.

*This was kind of rushed but oh well at least it was better than some of my older writing. :) Also apologies if it doesn't take 45 minutes to build a snowman I haven't made one since third grade soooo*

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