We Wanted To Let You Guys Know (Stefanielle)

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"You're one hundred percent sure you want to do this now?" Danielle Savre looked at her girlfriend, Stefania Spampinato who was sat cross legged on her sofa, fingers tapping her bare knee.

"Yes," Stefania nodded her head with a smile on her face. "We already told everyone we were going live at three anyway," Danielle watched as Stefania fiddled with the hem of her yellow dress, half of her hair was tied up in a messy bun with a few loose strands framing her face perfectly. 

"If for whatever reason you change your mind, just-"

"Danielle. I'm not going to change my mind," Stefania cut Danielle off and pushed herself up so she was on her knees and shuffled over to the blue eyed woman who was on the other end of the sofa. The brunette brought her hands up and ran them through Danielle's hair then held her face in her hands. "Are you sure you want to do this?" It took Danielle a second to reply as she gazed dreamily into Stefania's eyes. 

"I'm sure," A small smile graced Danielle's face and she let her girlfriend pull her in for a soft kiss. "Wait, how do you want to do it?" 

"You said to put questions about the show, yes?" Stefania asked as she placed her hands on Danielle's knees which were covered in a pair of navy joggers. 

"Yeah, Maddi should be sending them over now actually," The blonde nodded her head as she placed her hands on top of Stefania's.

"Okay, well we can still answer those and then... I don't know maybe we can just kiss and see what everyone says," Stefania laughed as she laced their fingers together and fiddled with them, tracing the outlines of Danielle's fingers.

"We could," Danielle smiled as her hair hung over her face. "Or we could say it and then end the live and watch everyone freak out in the comments," 

"That's evil. I like it," Stefania nodded her head slowly. "Okay, maybe we don't have to plan exactly how we say it but we will,"

"We will," Danielle confirmed as she pushed herself up from the sofa. "Let me just make sure my phone is fully charged," Stefania nodded as she flopped back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. It was crazy to think how far they had come from dating on a television show, chemistry being absolutely out of this world and now they were dating in real life. It was the sort of love story Stefania had always hoped of experiencing from when she was young. 

She always felt so loved around Danielle. Even when she wasn't with her girlfriend, which didn't happen much, she felt loved through the random texts she'd send and the little gifts she'd pick up because it reminded her of her. And so imagine the feelings that soared through her veins whenever she was in Danielle's arms or kissing her or simply going to bed with her and listening to her heartbeat. 

"What're you thinking about, pretty girl?" Danielle asked as she walked back into her living room, phone in hand. 

"You," Stefania replied simply as she remained looking up at the ceiling. 

"Oh yeah?" Danielle set her phone down on the side and crawled on top of the brunette, hovering over her. "What about me?" Stefania couldn't stop the smile from spreading over her face as she looked up at her girlfriend, hair swooped over to one side. 

"You just make me very happy," Stefania whispered as her eyes took in every detail of Danielle's face. Her bright eyes, perfect nose, rosy lips that were turned up in her perfect smile. The blonde slowly lowered herself so she could kiss Stefania who brought her hands up to hold Danielle's waist, fingers slipping underneath her 'Sunshine' t-shirt. "Forget the live, just kiss me for hours," Stefania took in a breath as Danielle deepened the kiss and firmly pressed their bodies together, lips slowly moving in sync. 

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