1. Introduction

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Lucy's POV

I'm sitting in science class with my best friends Luke, Calum, and Victoria. We obviously aren't doing the work because when Victoria and I are grouped up with Luke and Calum we never get work done.

I don't mind it though, this friend group is my escape from reality. I am a 17 year old girl living a pretty normal but repetetive life in Sydney, Australia.

There isn't much to do in the town we live in. We pretty much switch off who's house we hang out at every other day but we are always having fun when we're together.

We all have big dreams that we work hard towards. Luke and Calum are in a band with our two other friends Michael and Ashton, Victoria wants to be a musician and a songwriter, and I want to be an actress.

Of course to us this all sounds impossible but I have a feeling that our crazy adventure is just getting started...

"Calum take them off we don't want to get in trouble," I was trying my best to sound intimidating, but I couldn't help stop the laughter escaping my lips.

Calum was using the two plastic spoons we were given to use for our science experiment to cover up his eyes and make it stick to them. I will admit, it was very funny to look at but I didn't want to get in trouble by our teacher.

"Relax Lucy I'll take them off," Calum replied as he removed them from his eyes.

"Sorry I just really don't want to get in trouble," I said looking around the room in case our teacher was watching us.

"I know," he smiled at me. "Because you're miss perfect always has always will be." Calum mocked me.

"Hey I am not!" I exclaimed crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm just looking out for you."

"Ok," Victoria started. "Let's just try and focus on this boring experiment." She said stopping the conversation between me and Calum.

"Thank you Vic." I said to her appreciatively.

Victoria has always had my back. We've been best friends since the third grade and we've been inseparable ever since. Victoria has the most beautiful long, dark brown hair I've ever seen. She has the most gorgeous green eyes, and I also can't help but be jealous of her height.

Victoria and I met the boys in middle school and came to high school with them. I'm so thankful for our friend group and how close we've been ever since.

The rest of class was spent completing our experiment. Obviously,Victoria and I did most of the work while Calum and Luke got distracted and worked on writing their songs the whole time

It felt like an eternity when the bell finally rang, dismissing us from that unnecessarily hard class.

"Vicki you walking with me to math?" Luke said to Victoria. His dimples present on his face as he smiled at the girl he undoubtedly has the biggest crush on.

"Yeah coming!" She said packing her stuff and grabbing her bag as quickly as possible.

Luke and Victoria obviously like each other but neither of them wants to admit it. Calum and I always try to get it out of them but they won't say a thing.

Luke is always looking at her and he always want to be as close as possible to her, it's honestly so cute.

Victoria always has the rosiest cheeks when she talks or looks at him. It's just obvious that they will end up together eventually.

As for me and Calum, he has been my best friend since middle school. We do everything together, have sleepovers, go on long drives, do homework together, and have family dinners.

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