Chapter 21

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Lucas POV

Being in the middle of these two ex lovers is really a hard work on it's own. In as much as I enjoy the trolls they give each other through me, I just wish that everything would end. Love is a very complicated thing. One day, you're all happy and making plans for the future. The next, you've just turned to enemies as though there was no bond of love between you. The brighter side of all these bad things I never wished for my two most favorite people is that I'm going to be an uncle. Damn I feel old already. Keeping this great experience from Jayden as he's the biological father of Keisha's baby feels like I'm commiting a huge crime. Honestly, I don't know why they both want to keep things from each other. I thought no one cares about what their exes do. From my perspective, I feel that beneath the repining hatred that they feel for each other, there's love that they're both trying to hide. I'll still keep my word but I just hope they won't blame me for being a very good secret keeper.
When Jayden informed me that Sugar Pie called, I felt scared. I thought I'd been very careless but it was contrary to what I thought. Jayden actually thought it was my girlfriend that called me. He wouldn't even allow me to come clean so I left the matter as it is. Next month is when Keisha's baby would be due and I seriously don't know how I'd have her sign that contract.  These two want to explode my sanity!

Keisha POV

"Oh there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you" Chris placed a bowl of fruit salad on the table in front of me.
"Mmmm" I robbed my my stomach. "It looks delicious but I'm not hungry." I pushed the salad back to him.
"Can Mrs. Blankson tell me what she ate that made her so full?" He relaxed lazily in the chair across me.
"I had some apple juice" I rolled my eyes knowing what is going to come next, rantings.
"You've had only an apple juice for both breakfast and lunch? Lakeisha do you really think about that angel growing in you at all? I left you here because you promised me you'd eat something"
"And I did" I argued.
"No, you didn't. Apple juice is not food and you know it"
"James! James!" He screamed for our butler to come out.
"Yes sire" he responded with his ancient Italian accent.
"Portal a mia mogile un pasto caldo  entro quindici minuti." He commanded him with his fluent Italian with his eyes fixes on me. I didn't hear a thing he said.
"Tornerò sire" he excused himself to do whatever he's been instructed to do.
"I'm not going to leave you to yourself again." Why do I feel intimidated by his voice? My body is feeling some tingling. The pregnancy hormone wants to remind me that its been long since I fucked. This is frustrating. I picked the magazine from the table and tried  distracting myself from the dirty things I was thinking about.

"Noodles served within fifteen minutes sire, madame" James placed the bowl in front of me. Oh so he asked him to prepare something for me. I first looked at James then looked away from the plate.
"Don't worry James, I've got this" he assured James when he had a worried look on his face. Everyone in this house gets worried when I refuse to eat. Chris stood up from where he sat and positioned half of his butt on the table as he picked the plate.
"Open your mouth" he ordered when I kept my mouth closed. I still didn't mind him. He sighed heavily and put the plate down. What's he going to do behind me. I asked myself when he moved to stand behind me. Before I could turn to watch what he was up to, he began tickling me. Damn! That got me laughing hard. My mood suddenly changed when my memory reminded me of how Jayden used to tickle me to have his way with me. Why can't my brain concentrate on the fact that I'm done with that guy.
"Stop!" I shot at Chris grumpily and he did right away.
"What's wrong?" He moved to stand in front of me with a worried look. "Did I do anything wrong?" Gush, this guy doesn't deserve such a cold treatment from me.
"No you didn't Chris, it's just the pregnancy hormone. I think I don't like to be tickled." I lied and only got a nod from him.
"Hey, don't drop that handsome face of yours. Feed me" I touched his hand and I felt him shiver beneath my touch. He released his hand from my touch and picked the fork and started feeding me. This time around, I obliged.

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