7: Surprise

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They are so gonna get it.

"You know I don't understand why you're being such a menace"

The Clown rose an unamused eyerbow at the this blunette who was tied in a steel chair.

"What don't you get, feisty blueberry?"

Yuck. I hate blueberries.

"Oh you know, got any reason why you were akumatized?"

And now the blunette with bluebell eyes was stuck there. Listening to his old boring tragic story.

Apparently, this dude was treated like a clown until he became a damn clown.

Another reference. Care to guess?

How did this bluenette get captured?

Well, first she was doing remarkably well in destroying balloons, rescuing victims and insulting the clown.

But her old self just had to come back. So when she ran and ran, she saw a familiar poster.

Wow, he changed

And boom, straight up tripped by air and she landed on her face but luckily she managed to do a push-up position so her arms were preventing this dangerous fall.

And shorty after, that damn clown caught up and secured her by his balloons.

Fun fact: Pennywise is a female. But I'm writing this clown to a male.

And that is the interesting story of how Marinette Dupain-Cheng who was trained expertly managed to trip on air just because of a poster of a blonde boy with boxers.

Oh how Tikki laughed on her purse despite being captured.

A grumpy yet clumsy Marinette was seen floating with red balloons.

And now, she was tied by this stupid chair. Waiting for a savior or something.

I was ladybug for a year then I got captured just because of some boxers?!

"Yes Marinette. You tripped because of some boxers"

Tikki confirmed with a chuckle and luckily, the clown was too busy gazing at the City while saying words like:

"I didn't ask to be a clown..."

So long story short. He was narrating his whole life story to an uninterested blunette that tripped by some boxers.

"You know, for a clown. You really have a sad backstory..."

Marinette tried not to yawn while listening and saying those words. Yes, Marinette has become bold. At first, she pitied him but when she listened more to his story. It was clearly his mistakes since his friends tried to persuade him out of his mistakes.

Yet he didn't listen and look what happened to him. He became a dman clown. A joke. An outcast.

He was warned about his mistakes and deeds yet he didn't listen.

And now, he's trying to blame his problems to his friends? Friend who were there for him.

How hypotrical....

"But I don't feel sad at all!"

Marinette snickered while The Clown's eyes shot right at her. His glare would've made anyone cower.

Well maybe the old Marinette would've cowered but no, this is the new Marinette and I hope you know she's far different.

"Marinette! What are you doing?"

Tikki yelled but loud enough for Marinette to hear and low enough for The Clown who couldn't.

Relax Tikki, it would make Ladybeetle and Chat Noir come her if Nadia shouts...

Marinette mouthed and The Clown could barely see her mouthing it but Tikki understood.

"What did you say?"

"I said. It does not make me sad"

"Listen little blueberry. If I were-"

"Do you really want to feel pitied? Do you want me to give you sympathy? That's just low. Hawkmoth gave you powers because he pitied you!"

Right after the bold blunette said those words. She received a hard slap to her tigh cheek.

"He did not pity me! I am worthy of his gift!"

"What gift? A gift that's temporary. Even the gift sees you as a circus!"

"Shut up. You know nothing, you don't know what this clown-"

"That's right. I don't know what you can do. Because you can do nothing. You're a clown that I'm not scared of. A clown no one's scared of. Because you're just a misfit!"

"I thought you were a nice one!"

"I am nice but not to people like you. Blaming and pushing people who were trying to help. Who were there for you"

His face crumpled with realization but a purple buttery hovered on his face until The Clown became neutral.

"They cared for you! They helped you! Yet you treated their advice as a joke! Well guess what? Now you're the joke!"

"Enough! I'm not just any clown!"

"Oh yeah? Then why'd he dress you like a damn clown? Didn't you say that you weren't a clown but your ally sees you as one! He thinks you're a joke. An outcast. A whole circus! For crying out loud-- atleast he could've removed the eyeshadow!"

And then her face instantly went to the right. A burning tingling pain from her left cheek. Another slap. Another shout from Nadia.

"I won't hesitate to-"


Both of their attention went to a familiar figure. They stopped their arguing when a certain superhero has arrived.

"Ah Chat Noir..."

But Chat wasn't listening one bit.

His focus was on the girl who was tied by a steeled chair. His green orbs trailed up to her face. Despite the red hand marks on her cheeks.

Green orbs meet blue. They clashed perfectly. Hers were electrifying. Enough to pull him and make him wonder. How the hell did I not notice those pretty eyes?

Then her lips twitch up and she looked at him with joy and relief.

She was actually glad to see him.

She smiled happily at him and that made him mad.

How could she smile despite being hurt? He was angry. Scratch that, he was fuming with rage.


And the cat has gone wild.

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