15: Return

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This chapter is dedicated to QUEENakaROYALTYmention a user
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"Adrien! I am going to give you your worst nightmare!"

The blonde turned around and saw a girl with familiar midnight hair. She was wearing blue long sleeves with black boots and black gloves.

Wow, Hawkmoth really does have fashion sense

"Adrien Agreste! The boy I loved. The boy that used me! I shall give my revenge in the most brutal way as possible!"

Kagami? Oh that's Kagami but why is she wearing so much black? Who died?

Kagami scoffed at him and pointed.

"You will!"

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

Adrien facepalmed.

Kagami blinked and when her vision cleared. All she saw was an empty alley.

"I'll get you Adrien Agreste! Even if it's my last breath!"

Adrien ran. He ran to who knows where. He ran so fast until his feet became sore. Plagg was eating cheese while his Master ran a marathon.


"Kid, why are we here?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You led us to Marinette's house"

Then his head immediately glanced up. His mouth fell and he rubbed his face.

Even his feet led him to her.
His mind let him to her.
Even if he was mad, he'd come back to her.

"U-uh I-I don't know? My feet just ran!"

"Fucking boys in love, dense as shit"

Plagg muttered and Adrien heard it loud and clear. His face was warm and he shook his head.

"I gotta.....I left her Plagg when she was talking. Now she hates me"

Adrien leaned on the wall being at the back of  Marinette's house. He put his hands on his face and rubbed them.




Are you okay?

Were you harmed?

Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a-

Gosh Dammit, I love you!


"I should transform-"


He looked up at the sound of a familiar angelic voice. Green meets blue. Yin meets yang. They blended perfectly. Too perfectly.

"Adrien, are you okay?"

Marinette was getting worried when Adrien kept staring at her without saying anything. She was worried when she found him near her house.

"Adrien--please say something. You're soaking wet"

That's when Adrien realized that he was indeed wet. He didn't even realize that it was raining because he kept thinking about this bluenette.


Marinette's breath hitched. Only Chat Noir calls her that. She cleared her throat and gripped the umbrella tighter.

She's blushing.

He also didn't realize that she was shielding them from the rain by holding an umbrella.

Wait. That's my umbrella

Adrien's heart beat even faster when he recalled the memory of giving it to her.

A soft hand touched his face. He looked at her while she was caressing his face and he couldn't help but notice how perfect her hand went to his face.

"Adrien. Let's go to my house. You're soaking wet"

Wtihout another word. She grabbed his hand and once again, Adrien noticed that their hands fit perfectly with each other. Hers was small and warm while his was bigger and cold.

He needed her warmth. He gripped her hand even tighter and Marinette let a tint of red flow through her cheeks.

When they arrived, Marinette led him to her room.


"I'll bring some clothes. Take a bath"

Marinette left making Adrien do what she asked.

Adrien couldn't even stop thinking about her in the shower. Her beautiful bluebell eyes. Her midnight flowing hair. Gosh, he wanted to stroke her hair so bad and hug her.

He wanted to ki-

"Adrien. Here's some clothes and you've been in there for fifteen minutes?"


"Y-yeah. I'll be out"

He could hear a faint hum and he sighed in relief.


"So what were you doing out in the the rain?"

Adrien gulped at the command. Marinette crossed her arms and gestured for an explanation.

"Mwell, mhy feet brqougt mwe hwere"

Adrien mumbled and scratched his neck. Marinette walked closer.


"My feet brought me here"

"Uhh why?"

"Because you were on my mind"

Marinette froze and blushed. But Adrien was too busy blushing himself. He didn't notice Marinette blushing also. Marinette cleared her throat.

"Why was I on your mind Adrien?"

"Because I've realized something"

Marinette titled her head and Adrien found it fucking cute.


"What did you realize?"

"That you aren't just a friend"

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