19: Chat's Nightmare

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"Then both of you shall face the worst fear you've never dreamt!"

And a white flash was all Chat Noir saw. He yelped and suddenly black was on his vision.

It took a lot of energy for him to open his eyes. And when he did, he saw white walls. He rubbed his head and looked around.

"Where am I?"

He said out loud and when looked down. He saw that he was wearing white. Kind of like a hospital gown.


He looked around hastily for any sign. The door was right there, the steel silver door taunting him to dare come inside.




An echo. These wall were echoing what he was saying. No answer he received. He checked his ring but to his utter surprise, all he saw was his bare index finger.

No ring at all.



A huge sound hit the steel door making him flinch. He heard distant and faint voices and he slowly sat up and placed his feet on the ground.

The coldness of the floor shot through his body by his feet. There were no slippers so he had to bare this.

He pulled the door but it didn't budge. He pulled it harder and it didn't budge again.

"Why won't--Oh. It's a fucking push door"

He muttered and pushed the door. The door opened and he was swallowed by an unknown force.


He groaned and when his vision cleared he saw her. Her hands in a defensive manner. Her hands crossing on her chest.


The she flinched. She backed away from him. He looked at her with so much worry than confusion.

"What's wrong?"

She glared at him with disgust. Marinette gave him a pure face of disgust and disappointment.

"Don't call me that. I told you not to call me that"


"What do you mean what? Adrien Agreste the player of the whole Paris. You played me. You used me. And of course, you didn't love me"

"What? Marinette? No no no- I love you!"

She raged even more and shouted at him. She pointed at him accusingly with tears streaming down.

When Adrien took a step forward, she back away and eyes full of shock.

"Y-you-! Please don't! I-I won't do it again I promise-"

Her voice broke at the end while she cowered in so much fear that made her body shake.

Adrien tried to grab her but his body didn't move. His body didn't cooperate, it was like he was on this body's mind but this wasn't his body.

"Oh? Too bad Mari. Too bad"

Then he heard a shot and watch as Marinette's body slowly fall to the ground. Blood was everywhere.

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